
Activity Area Description

Add pictures

Service and Maintainence

You can take pictures of the object that is related to the task.

If you save a picture:

  • It is uploaded to SharePoint.
  • An attachment is added to the related work order line. This attachment is of type URL and its URL refers to the picture as stored in SharePoint.
  • A picture entry is added to the Pictures page of the DynaRent Mobile app.


  • If you work offline, uploading picture to SharePoint and adding it to work order line is only done when you synchronize to D365 FO.
  • The default camera for taking pictures is defined in the Default camera parameter.

Apply dual-write solution


Apply the (latest version of the) 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution. Make sure this solution is already imported in Power Apps.

For more information, refer to step 7 in Use the dual-write wizard to link your environments.

Note: Each time you have imported a new version of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution, you must apply the solution again.

Assign DynaRent Mobile app users to role


Each D365 FO user who must use the D365 FO functionality that is related to the DynaRent Mobile app, must have the 'Perform work order line employee actions' (DNRAppEmplUserRole) role assigned.

For example, this includes:

  • Maintaining attachments for business objects and work order lines.
  • Maintaining and scheduling work order lines.
  • Viewing, processing, and cleaning up the work order line transactions.
  • Viewing and cleaning up notifications.

For more information on:

  • The 'Perform work order line employee actions' role, refer to the security configuration in D365 FO.
  • Assigning security roles to users, refer to Assign users to security roles.

Assign security roles to DynaRent Mobile app users


To be able to use the DyanRent Mobile app, assign these Dataverse security roles to the app user:

  • Basic user
  • Service writer

For more information refer to 'Assign security roles to users'.

Change status

Service and Maintainence

You can manually change the status of a task in the DynaRent Mobile app.

You can change the status to:

  • Start a task. The status is changed from 'Released' to 'In progress'.
  • Complete a task. The status is changed from 'In progress' to 'Completed'. If you do so, you are automatically guided to the Sign-off page.

Note: If you work offline, the status is only updated to D365 FO when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Change to working offline

Service and Maintainence

With the DynaRent Mobile app, you can choose to work offline.

When you have synchronized the data from D365 FO to your mobile device, you can start working offline.

If you work offline, all actions you do with the DynaRent Mobile app, are stored on your device till these are synchronized to D365 FO.

Note that several actions do not work when you use the DynaRent Mobile app offline:

  • Create work order
  • Item search
  • Receive new notifications

Change to working online

Service and Maintainence

When you are finished working offline with the DynaRent Mobile app, you can change to working online.

Clean up notifications

Fleet & Warehouse Management

Notifications can be generated in D365 FO and pushed to the DynaRent Mobile app.

The notifications are generated and stored in the Notifications table in D365 FO.

Over time, quite some notifications can be created. To prevent the database from growing too big, you can clean up the notifications.

Notifications are cleaned up based on this Work order parameter: 'Clean up notifications after number of days'. Only notifications are deleted that are older than the defined number of days.

Clean up work order line transactions

Fleet & Warehouse Management

Over time, quite some work order line transactions can be created. To prevent the database from growing too big, you can clean up the work order line transactions.

Work order line transactions are cleaned up based on these Work order parameters:

  • Clean up transaction after number of days: Only work order line transactions are deleted that are older than the defined number of days.
  • Clean up records with status 'New': If set to Yes, work order line transactions with the status 'New' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'On hold': If set to 'Yes', work order line transactions with the status 'On hold' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'Posted': If set to 'Yes', work order lines with the status 'Posted' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'Error': If set to 'Yes', work order lines with the status 'Error' are deleted.

Define DynaRent Mobile app users


Before the DynaRent Mobile app can be used, define the DynaRent Mobile app users.

On Power Apps, share this app with the applicable users: 'DynaRentMobileApp'.

For more information, refer to 'Share an app'.

Define employment company


In D365 FO, define the employment company for each employee who is DynaRent Mobile app user. The employment company is used as the default company for the related DynaRent Mobile app user.

In the DynaRent Mobile app, the employment company is used to set the Default company in the parameters. If the employment company is changed in D365 FO, also the default company in the app is changed.

On creation of an employee, the current company is assigned as the employment company. You can assign another company as employment company. You do so by creating an employment duration in the employment history of the employee.

Several employment duration can exist for the same period. If so, the first matching employment duration is used to define the default company for the related DynaRent Mobile app user.

Do task based on order note

Service and Maintainence

In the Task notes, in the Order notes, you can find the task instructions.

In D365 FO, on a work order line, an order note can be entered to instruct the field engineer on the task to be done. This order note can give any relevant information on the task. To enter an order note in D365 FO, on the Work order page, select a work order line, and click Additional notes, Line notes.

Do task based on task check list

Service and Maintainence

In the Task checklist, you can find the work to be done for the task.

In D365 FO, for a work order line, a task checklist can be defined. Usually, the task checklist is added automatically based on the used work order template. A task checklist instructs the field engineer on the work to be done. If in D365 FO a task checklist is defined for the work order line, it is shown in the Dynarent Mobile App on the Task checklist page.

When you confirm the task checklist, for each task in the task checklist, the task status and notes are synchronized to the task checklist of the related work order line in D365 FO. Note: If you work offline, the task checklist is only synchronized when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Enter task-related notes

Service and Maintainence

In the DynaRent Mobile app, you can view or enter these types of notes:

  • Order notes:
    In D365 FO, on a work order line, an order note can be entered to instruct the field engineer on the task to be done. This order note can give any relevant information on the task. Usually, you do not change the order notes in the DynaRent Mobile app. However, if you created the work order from the DynaRent Mobile app and assigned it to yourself, you can enter an order note.
  • Internal notes:
    You can enter any task-related note for internal purposes. For example, explain the maintenance activities that are done or mention defect parts that are repaired or replaced.
  • Invoice note:
    You can enter an invoice note to explain the task done. When in D365 FO an invoice is created for the related work order line, the invoice note is added to the invoice.

When you confirm the task notes, these are synchronized to the task notes of the related work order line in D365 FO. To view the task notes in D365 FO, on the Work order page, select a work order line, and click Additional notes, Line notes.

Note: If you work offline, the task notes are only updated in D365 FO when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Find task

Service and Maintainence

In D365 FO, work order lines can be assigned to you. The work order lines, which are assigned to you, are shown as tasks in your DynaRent Mobile app.

To start work on a task, first find the tasks that are assigned to you. You can find tasks in several ways:

  • Calendar: You can find tasks based on one or more selected dates.
  • List: You can scroll a list of assigned tasks. The tasks are sorted by scheduled start date.
  • Search: Type (a part of) the name of the task that you want to find.

Note: Only tasks are shown with status 'Planned' or 'In progress'.

Import dual-write mapping solution in Power Apps


Before you can use the DynaRent Mobile app, you must also import the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution in Power Apps.

In the 'Import a solution' wizard, browse for the compressed (.zip) file that contains the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution.

Note: This import must be done again for each new version of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution.

For more information, refer to Import solutions.

Import 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution in Power Apps


To synchronize data between the DynaRent Mobile app and D365 FO, dual-write is used. The dual-write connection links the D365 FO environment to the Dataverse environment as used by the DynaRent Mobile app.

Whether you set up dual-write for DynaRent Mobile for the first time or you want to upgrade, in Power Apps, import the latest version of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution.

Import the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution as provided by To-Increase.

For more information, refer to Import solutions.

Import DynaRentMobile solution in Power Apps


Before you can use the DynaRent Mobile app, you must import the 'DynaRentMobile' solution in Power Apps.

In the 'Import a solution' wizard, browse for the compressed file that contains the 'DynaRentMobile' solution.

In the 'DynaRentMobile' solution, several connection references are used. In the 'Import a solution' wizard, select a connection for these connection references:

  • SharePoint DynaRentMobile: Used to store pictures and sign-off pictures that are created in the DynaRent Mobile app.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Indicate if SharePoint runs in the cloud or on premises > Create > Pick an account.
  • Microsoft Dataverse: Used to securely store and manage data that is used by the DynaRent Mobile app.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Create > Pick an account.
  • Power Apps Notification: Used to receive notifications in the Power App app on your mobile device.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Create.

In the 'DynaRentMobile' solution, environment variables are required for the SharePoint connection. Set these variables:

  • SharePointFolderAdddress
  • SharePointSiteAddress

Note: This import must be done again for each new version of the 'DynaRentMobile' solution.

For more information, refer to:

Link D365 FO to Dataverse


The first time you set up dual-write in D365 FO for the DynaRent Mobile app, you must link D365 FO to Dataverse.

To link D365 FO to Dataverse, follow the applicable instructions for your scenario: Guidance for dual-write setup.

Process work order line transactions

Fleet & Warehouse Management

Several activities in the DynaRent Mobile app result in a work order line transaction in D365 FO. The work order line transactions are used as an intermediate step in the integration between the DynaRent Mobile app and D365 FO.

Process the work order line transactions to create journals based on the work order line transactions.

Only work order line transactions with the processing status 'New' are processed. When processing work order line transactions:

  • If no open journal exists for a work order and registration type combination, the journal is created. The related work order line transactions are added as lines to the journal.
  • If an open journal exists for a work order and registration type combination, the related work order line transactions are added as lines to the journal.

Work order line transactions of registration type:

  • Hour are added to an hour journal.
  • Item are added to an item journal.
  • Fee are added to a fee journal.

The journal names that are used for the generated journals are defined in the Project management and accounting parameters, on the Journals tab, in the Default journal names group, in these fields: Hour, Item, Fee.

You can open the generated journals from the Work order project planning menu or from the applicable work order line.

When processing a work order line transaction, errors can occur. If you did process work order line transactions:

  • In batch, you can view the errors in the batch job Infolog.
  • Manually from the Work order line transactions page, the error message is shown.

Register mileage

Service and Maintainence

If you must travel for a task, you can register the mileage.

For each task, you can register mileage several times. For example, to register the mileage of the outward journey and the return journey.

When you confirm the entered mileage:

  • An entry is created in the spare parts list. This entry shows the item that is used for fuel consumption and the entered mileage.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of registration type 'Item'. The item of the transaction is the item that is used for fuel consumption. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

The item that is used to register fuel consumption is defined in D365 FO, in the Rental Parameters, on the General tab, in the Fuel item field. The default company, as defined in the app parameters, defines from which D365 FO company the fuel item is taken.

Register other task-related costs

Service and Maintainence

You can register task-related costs, also called fees. So, costs that are not hours or items.

When you confirm a new costs entry:

  • An entry is added to the 'Other costs' overview.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Fee' is created. The transaction description is the description as entered in the DynaRent Mobile app. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Register used spare parts

Service and Maintainence

You can register the items and spare parts that you use doing a task.

You can scan a barcode or manually enter the item number or serial number of the used spare part.

When you confirm the entered spare part:

  • An entry is created in the spare parts list.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of registration type 'Item' or 'Item requirement'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Replace the DynaRent Mobile canvas app


When you have imported the latest version of the 'DynaRentMobile' solution in Power Apps, you must manually replace the DynaRent Mobile canvas app.

Review and confirm time spent on task

Service and Maintainence

Before you sign off a task, review the recorded time. You can:

  • Make changes to a recorded time overview entry. When you confirm the changes:
    • The entry in the time overview is updated.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is updated.
  • Add a time overview entry. When you confirm the new time overview entry:
    • An entry is added to the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of type 'Hour'. The transaction description is defined by the selected registration type in the DynaRent Mobile app.
  • Delete a time overview entry. When you delete a time overview entry:
    • The entry is deleted from the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is deleted.

Note: If you work offline, the transactions in D365 FO are only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Review notifications

Fleet & Warehouse Management

Notifications can be generated in D365 FO and pushed to the DynaRent Mobile app.

A notification is generated if a:

  • Work order location (delivery address) is changed. If the work order has several lines that are assigned to:
    • One DynaRent Mobile app user, the user gets only one notification.
    • Several DynaRent Mobile app users, each user gets one notification.
  • Work order line planned date/time is changed.

Whether a change results in a notification depends on the work order line trigger status parameter in the Work order parameters. A notification is created only from the defined trigger status. If the trigger status is:

  • Planned, notifications are created for both planned and released work order lines.
  • Released, notifications are created only for released work order lines.

The notifications are generated and stored in the Notifications table in D365 FO. You can review the created notifications in D365 FO.

Review work order line transactions

Fleet & Warehouse Management

Several activities in the DynaRent Mobile app result in a work order line transaction in D365 FO. The work order line transactions are used as an intermediate step in the integration between the DynaRent Mobile app and D365 FO.

If, in the DynaRent Mobile app, a:

  • Traveling time ticker is ended, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Hour'. The transaction description is 'Travel time'.
  • Job time ticker is ended, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Hour'. The transaction description is 'Work time'.
  • Break time ticker is ended, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Hour'. The transaction description is 'Break time'.
  • Extra time tie ticker is ended, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Hour'. The transaction description is 'Extra time'.
  • Mileage is entered, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Item'. The item of the transaction is the item that is used for fuel consumption.
  • Time overview entry is changed, the related work order line transaction is changed accordingly.
  • Time overview entry is added, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Hour'. The selected registration type defines the transaction description.
  • Time overview entry is deleted, the related work order line transaction is deleted.
  • Spare part is registered, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Item' or 'Item requirement'.
  • Other cost is registered, a work order line transaction is created of registration type 'Fee'. The transaction description is the description as entered in the DynaRent Mobile app.

You can review the work order line transactions. If a transaction must not be processed, you can put it 'on hold'.

Run dual-write table maps


Run each dual-write table map of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution. As a result, the dual-write table map status is changed to 'Running'.

For more information, refer to Enable table maps for dual-write.

Note: For each applied new version of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution, you must run the table maps again.

Search item

Service and Maintainence

When doing a task, you can need an item that you don't have with you, You can search for this item's availability in a warehouse.

Note: If you work offline, you cannot search an item.

Set parameters

Service and Maintainence

Review or change the default settings:

  • Default company: By default, the company as defined in D365 FO as employment company for your employee account. If the employment company is changed in D365 FO, also the default company in the app is changed.
    The default company is used when you:
    • Create a work order from the DynaRent Mobile app. The default company is used to to set the company on the work order header.
    • Register mileage. The default company defines from which D365 FO company the fuel item is taken.
    • Select a site and warehouse. You can only select a site and warehouse that belong to the default company.
  • Default camera: The camera of your mobile device that is used to take pictures using the app.

Set the DynaRent Mobile parameters


Set the Work order parameters that apply to using the DynaRent Mobile app.

Set up DynaRent resource


Set up a DynaRent resource that is linked to the employee as set up for the DynaRent Mobile app user. The DynaRent resource is required to be able to assign work order lines to the DynaRent Mobile app user.

This topic only explains the minimal required DynaRent resource setup that is required for the DynaRent Mobile app.

Set up employee with contact details


Set up the DynaRent Mobile app user as an employee in D365 FO.

Set up number sequence for work order line transactions


A number sequence is required for the work order line transactions that are created based on activities in the DyanRent Mobile app.

Before you can use the number sequence, you must generate it.

For more information on how to generate a number sequence, refer to Set up number sequences using a wizard.

On the Set up number sequences wizard, on the Setup tab, delete all records except the record with these settings:

  • Area: Work order project planning
  • Reference: Transaction Id

Note the number as mentioned in the Number sequence field. You can use this number to find the number sequence after it is generated.

If the number sequence is generated, you can edit the number sequence. For more information, refer to Set up number sequences on an individual basis.

Set up project resource


Set up a project resource that is linked to the employee as set up for the DynaRent Mobile app user. The project resource is required to be able to create the journals when the work order line transactions are processed.

In the Resource ID field, link the project resource to the employee as set up for the DynaRent Mobile app user.

For more information, refer to Set up project resource information.

Sign off task

Service and Maintainence

To complete a task, have it signed off by your contact at the customer site.

Before your contact signs off the task, you can show the:

  • Work you have done.
  • Spare parts that you have used.
  • Time you have spent.
  • Cots you have incurred.

If you confirm a task sign-off:

  • The task is moved to 'My completed tasks' in the DynaRent Mobile App.
  • In D365 FO, the related work order line is set to 'Completed'.
  • An email with the task summary is sent to the defined email address.
  • The signature is stored as an image in SharePoint.
  • An attachment is added to the related work order line. This attachment is of type URL and its URL refers to the signature image as stored in SharePoint.

Note: If you work offline, the actions for which an online connection is required are only done when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Solve missing data schema error


If you run a dual-write table map, you can encounter an issue called: "Missing data schema".

In this case, the entity list in D365 FO must be refreshed.

Solve pre-existing data error


If you encounter an issue while you copy pre-existing data between D365 FO and Dataverse, an initial sync error is given: “Copying pre-existing data completed with Errors. For additional details, go to Initial sync details tab”.

Investigate the error and choose how to solve it:

  • Fix the underlying issue. When the issue is fixed, re-run the execution.
  • It is not required to synchronize the records with errors. In this case, re-run the execution without errors.

For more information, refer to: Error management and alert notifications.

Solve synchronization errors

Service and Maintainence

When you synchronize offline actions from your mobile device to D365 FO, errors can occur.

You can review and try solving these errors in the DyanRent Mobile app.

Stop running dual-write table maps and select latest version


If you have applied a new version of the 'DynaRentMobile Dual Write Entity Maps' solution, you must stop each already running table map for this solution. You can recognize the applicable table maps by the 'ti_dnrmobile' indicator in the name.

If you have stopped a table map, you must select the latest applied version of the table map.

Synchronize data to D365 FO

Service and Maintainence

With the DynaRent Mobile app, you can work offline. When you have finished working offline and are back online, first synchronize the data from your mobile device to D365 FO.

On synchronization, all offline actions that you have done with the DynaRent Mobile app, are updated from your mobile device to D365 FO.

Synchronize data to mobile device

Service and Maintainence

With the DynaRent Mobile app, you can work offline.

If you want to work offline, first synchronize the data from D365 FO to your mobile device. So, you have up-to-date data available when working offline.

On synchronization, data is updated from D365 FO to your mobile device for all your assigned tasks and related objects.

Use time ticker to record break time

Service and Maintainence

Use the break time ticker to record the time you use on a break. Use this time ticker if take a break. You can only use the break time ticker if the job time ticker is recording.

When you end the break time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded break time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type Hour is created. The transaction description is 'Break time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record extra time

Service and Maintainence

Use the extra time ticker to record the extra time you work on a task. Use this time ticker if you start working extra time on the task. For example, when you have completed a task and some additional work is required. You can reopen the task and record the time spent as extra time.

When you end the job time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded extra time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Extra time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record travel time

Service and Maintainence

Use the travel time ticker to record the time you travel for a task.

When you start the travel time ticker, and the task status is 'Planned', the task status is set to 'In progress'. Also the related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

When you end the travel time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded travel time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Travel time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record working time

Service and Maintainence

Use the job time ticker to record the time you work on a task. Use this time ticker if you are at the task location and start working on the task.

When you start the job time ticker, and the task status is 'Planned', the task status is set to 'In progress'. Also the related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

When you end the job time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded working time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Work time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

View 'About'

Service and Maintainence

You can review the DynaRent Mobile app version and the release notes for that version.

View and register object meter values

Service and Maintainence

For an object, meters can be set up in D365 FO. In the DynaRent Mobile app, for each meter, you can view the latest registered value. You can also register a new meter value.

When you confirm a new meter value:

  • The latest meter transaction is replaced with the transaction of the newly registered meter value.
  • In D365 FO, on the Business object meters page, for the applicable meter, a transaction is added with the newly registered meter value. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

View customer information

Service and Maintainence

You can view the name and contact details of the customer for whom you do a task.

View maintenance history of object

Service and Maintainence

You can view the maintenance history of the object. The maintenance history shows the past maintenance tasks for the object.

In the maintenance history, the maintenance history records are shown that exist for the object in D365 FO. You can find the maintenance history in D365 FO on the Business objects page, Action Pane, Maintenance tab, Inquiries group, Maintenance history.

View notifications

Service and Maintainence

Notifications can be generated in D365 FO and pushed to the DynaRent Mobile app.

A notification is generated if a

  • Work order location (delivery address) is changed.
  • Work order line planned date/time is changed.

In the DynaRent Mobile app, you receive and can view the notifications.

View object attachments

Service and Maintainence

You can view the attachments of an object.

In D365 FO, you can add attachments to a business object. These attachments are shown in the DynaRent Mobile app. Note: Only attachments of type URL are supported by the DynaRent Mobile app.

View object details

Service and Maintainence

You can view the detailed information of the objects that are related to your scheduled tasks.

You can view object details from several pages:

  • Home page. When opened from the home page, first a list of objects is shown. The list shows the objects of your scheduled tasks.
  • Task details page. When opened from the Task details page, the details of the task object are shown.

This topic explains how to view object details from the home page.

View object information

Service and Maintainence

You can view some general information about the object.

View object location

Service and Maintainence

You can view the current location of the object. The object location is shown on a map and also the location address is shown.

View or reopen completed tasks

Service and Maintainence

You can view the tasks that you have completed. You can also reopen a completed task.

You can find completed tasks in several ways:

  • Calendar: You can find completed tasks based on one or more selected dates in the calendar.
  • List: You can scroll a list of completed tasks.
  • Search: Type (a part of) the name of the completed task that you want to find.

Note: A completed task is shown on the date on which it was originally scheduled.

When you reopen a completed task, on confirm:

  • The task status is changed to 'In progress'. The task is moved to the My schedule' page and no longer shown as completed task.
  • The related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

View rental information of object

Service and Maintainence

In the DynaRent Mobile app, you can view the rental history of an object. The rental history shows to which customers the object was rented and when it was rented.

The rental history is sorted from latest to older.

View task attachments

Service and Maintainence

You can view the attachments of a task.

In D365 FO, you can add attachments to a work order line. These attachments are shown on the DynaRent Mobile app. Note: Only attachments of type URL are supported by the DynaRent Mobile app.

View task details

Service and Maintainence

You can view the general task information:

  • The task number and name.
  • The department that created the task.
  • The scheduled start and end date/time of the task.

View task location

Service and Maintainence

You can view the location where the task must be done. The task location is shown on a map and also the location address is shown.

View upcoming maintenance for the object

Service and Maintainence

Based on the maintenance plans, as defined for an object in D365 FO, upcoming maintenance on the object is known. You can view the upcoming maintenance in the DynaRent Mobile app.

So, the upcoming maintenance as shown is only based on the applicable maintenance plans. So, no other scheduled tasks on the object are shown.

Provide feedback