Notifications can be generated in D365 FO and pushed to the DynaRent Mobile app.

A notification is generated if a

  • Work order location (delivery address) is changed.
  • Work order line planned date/time is changed.

In the DynaRent Mobile app, you receive and can view the notifications.

Standard procedure

1. On the DynaRent Mobile app home page, tap 'My notifications'.
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Note: At the right/top of the ´Notifications´ icon, an indicator shows the number of unread notifications.

2. On the Notifications page, indicate if you want to view all notifications or only the unread notifications.
3. In the action bar, you can tap the 'refresh' icon to make sure all notifications are shown.
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4. In the list, find and read the desired notification.

For unread notifications, the 'information' icon is shown.

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5. Each notification is related to a task. To open the Task details page for the related task, tap the desired notification.


As a result, in:

  • D365 FO, the notification is marked as read.
  • The DynaRent Mobile app, the 'Information' icon is no longer shown.


Notifications, as generated by D365 FO and pushed to DynaRent Mobile App, can also be shown as Power Apps notifications on your mobile device. To do so, on Power Apps, for the 'DynaRentMobile' solution, turn on the 'TI | Mobile | Send push notification' cloud flow. Note that this cloud flow is applied to all DynaRent Mobile App users.

As a result, when a change is made in D365 FO:

  • A notification is shown on your mobile device:
  • A notification indicator is shown for the 'Power Apps' mobile app on your mobile device:

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