When doing a task, you can need an item that you don't have with you, You can search for this item's availability in a warehouse.

Note: If you work offline, you cannot search an item.

Standard procedure

1. On the Task details page, tap 'Item search'.
  File image1BA7509A-8F9A-4E78-8C54-0EFC777F423B

Note: You can also open the Item search page from the Spare parts page. If the item, site, and warehouse are defined on the Spare parts page, these are the default item, site, and warehouse on the Item search page.

2. Define the site and warehouse in which you want to search for the item.


- When not opened from the Spare parts page, the default site and warehouse are based on the Service warehouse as defined for your worker account in D365 FO.

- If a site is selected, the warehouse dropdown only shows warehouses that are related to the selected site.

- If no site is selected, and you select a warehouse, the related site is automatically selected.

- If a site and warehouse are selected which are not the default site and warehouse, and you select the 'empty' value in the warehouse dropdown, the site is reset to the default site.

- You can only select a site and warehouse that belong to the default company as defined in the app parameters.

3. In the Search items field, enter the item number, product name, or item description.
4. If the item exists in the warehouse, the item entries are shown. You can view the item details.
  To view the item details, expand the desired item entry and tap '>'.

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