Before you can use the DynaRent Mobile app, you must import the 'DynaRentMobile' solution in Power Apps.

In the 'Import a solution' wizard, browse for the compressed file that contains the 'DynaRentMobile' solution.

In the 'DynaRentMobile' solution, several connection references are used. In the 'Import a solution' wizard, select a connection for these connection references:

  • SharePoint DynaRentMobile: Used to store pictures and sign-off pictures that are created in the DynaRent Mobile app.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Indicate if SharePoint runs in the cloud or on premises > Create > Pick an account.
  • Microsoft Dataverse: Used to securely store and manage data that is used by the DynaRent Mobile app.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Create > Pick an account.
  • Power Apps Notification: Used to receive notifications in the Power App app on your mobile device.
    To establish the connection: Select a connection > New connection > Create.

In the 'DynaRentMobile' solution, environment variables are required for the SharePoint connection. Set these variables:

  • SharePointFolderAdddress
  • SharePointSiteAddress

Note: This import must be done again for each new version of the 'DynaRentMobile' solution.

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