You can view the tasks that you have completed. You can also reopen a completed task.

You can find completed tasks in several ways:

  • Calendar: You can find completed tasks based on one or more selected dates in the calendar.
  • List: You can scroll a list of completed tasks.
  • Search: Type (a part of) the name of the completed task that you want to find.

Note: A completed task is shown on the date on which it was originally scheduled.

When you reopen a completed task, on confirm:

  • The task status is changed to 'In progress'. The task is moved to the My schedule' page and no longer shown as completed task.
  • The related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

Standard procedure

1. On the DynaRent Mobile app home page, tap My completed tasks'.
  File image298BF7FC-CD2B-4BFB-900E-8AF2805B381C
2. On the 'My completed tasks' page, by default, the Calendar is used with the current date selected.
  To find completed tasks for another date, select the desired date.

Note: You can also select several dates.

3. To view a list of all completed tasks, clear the 'Use calendar' check box.
4. To search for a completed task, in the 'Search tasks' field, type (a part of) the task name.
5. To view the general task information, in the list of shown completed tasks, expand the desired task.
6. To reopen a completed task, in the list of shown completed tasks, expand the desired task, and tap '>'.
7. On the Change status page, tap ´Confirm´.


The completed tasks are sorted based on the original scheduled start date. By default, the completed tasks are scheduled from oldest to newest. To sort the completed tasks from newest to oldest, on the action bar, tap .

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