Over time, quite some work order line transactions can be created. To prevent the database from growing too big, you can clean up the work order line transactions.

Work order line transactions are cleaned up based on these Work order parameters:

  • Clean up transaction after number of days: Only work order line transactions are deleted that are older than the defined number of days.
  • Clean up records with status 'New': If set to Yes, work order line transactions with the status 'New' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'On hold': If set to 'Yes', work order line transactions with the status 'On hold' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'Posted': If set to 'Yes', work order lines with the status 'Posted' are deleted.
  • Clean up records with status 'Error': If set to 'Yes', work order lines with the status 'Error' are deleted.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Work order project planning > Periodic > Work order line employee app > Clean up work order line transactions.
2. Clean up the work order line transaction separately for each registration type.
  In the Registration type field, select an option.
3. Usually, work order line transactions are cleaned up in a recurring batch.
  Expand the Run in the background section.
4. Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the fields as desired.
5. Click Recurrence and fill in the fields as desired.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK.

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