
Activity Area Description

Set Anywhere for retail app general parameters

Setup Set the parameters that apply to all processes of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Inventory adjustment process

Setup As a store worker, it can be needed that you adjust your store inventory to keep it up to date. You can use the Inventory adjustment process of the Anywhere for retail app to make inventory adjustments to you store inventory.
Set the parameters that apply to the Inventory adjustment process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Inventory movement process

Setup As a store worker, it can be needed that you register inventory changes in your store to specific cost accounts. For example, in case of damaged items, stolen items, or write-off of showroom items. You can use the Inventory movement process of the Anywhere for retail app to register these changes to your store inventory.
Set the parameters that apply to the Inventory movement process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Item info process

Setup As a store worker, you often need an insight in item information. For example, where is the item stored, what is the physical available quantity, and what is the applicable price. You can use the Item info process of the Anywhere for retail app to get the desired item information.
Set the parameters that apply to the Item info process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Item ordering process

Setup As a store worker, you can order items for your store warehouse from the distribution center warehouses. You can use the Item ordering process of the Anywhere for retail app to create the inbound transfers from one or more distribution center warehouses to your store.
Set the parameters that apply to the Item ordering process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Label printing process

Setup As a store worker, you usually need labels for the products or the shelves in the store. You can use the label printing process of the Anywhere for retail app to order the labels you need. Ordered batches of labels aren't printed immediately, but are saved to D365 FO, and printed in one go by the back office. With the Label printing process, you can, for example, prepare for promotions, rearrangements in the store, or relabeling of product groups.
Set the parameters that apply to the Label printing process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Receipt process

Setup As a store worker, you can receive purchased items or items from other stores or distribution center warehouses. You can use the Receipt journal process of the Anywhere for retail app to receive purchase orders or transfer orders.
Set the parameters that apply to the Receipt journal process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Store transfers process

As a store worker, you can ship items from your store warehouse to other stores or back to distribution center warehouses. You can use the Store transfers process of the Anywhere for retail app to enter and ship transfer orders.
Set the parameters that apply to the Store transfers process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set Anywhere for retail app parameters for the Tag counting process

As a store worker, you can do tag counting to compare the actual contents of a store with the on-hand inventory D365 FO. You can use the Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app to do the tag counting for your store.
Set the parameters that apply to the Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Set general Anywhere app parameters

Setup Set the general parameters for the Anywhere apps. These parameters define, for example, how Anywhere apps use bar codes and product dimensions.

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