As a store worker, it can be needed that you adjust your store inventory to keep it up to date. You can use the Inventory adjustment process of the Anywhere for retail app to make inventory adjustments to you store inventory.
Set the parameters that apply to the Inventory adjustment process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Anywhere app parameters.
3. Click the Retail tab.
4. Expand the Inventory adjustment section.
5. Select the default inventory adjustment journal name to be used in the Inventory adjustment process of the Anywhere for retail app. From the app, you can only create or open inventory journals with this name.
  In the Inventory adjustment journal name field, enter or select a value.

Note: If no journal name is selected, the first journal name of type Inventory adjustment, as defined on the Inventory journal names page, is used.

6. You can allow to use the unit from the scanned GTIN to make inventory adjustments. On finishing the inventory adjustment, the GTIN unit is converted to the inventory unit in the Inventory adjustment process. Example: Inventory for an item must be adjusted with 10 pieces. These are physically stored in boxes, each with 5 pieces. You scan 2 boxes. On finish inventory adjustment, the inventory is adjusted with 10 pieces.
  Select Yes in the Use GTIN unit field.
7. You can have the inventory adjustment journal posted when you finish the Inventory adjustment process.
  Select Yes in the Post inventory adjustment journal on finish field.
8. Close the page.

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