As a store worker, you can ship items from your store warehouse to other stores or back to distribution center warehouses. You can use the Store transfers process of the Anywhere for retail app to enter and ship transfer orders.
Set the parameters that apply to the Store transfers process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Anywhere app parameters.
3. Click the Retail tab.
4. Expand the Store transfers section.
5. You can allow to use the unit from the scanned GTIN to create transfer lines. After scanning, on saving the transfer line, the inventory unit is converted to the GTIN unit in the Store transfers process. Example: 10 pieces are to be transferred. These are transferred in 2 boxes, each with 5 pieces. On entering the transfer line, you can scan the 2 boxes. On save, these are booked from the store inventory as 10 pieces.
  Select Yes in the Use GTIN unit field.
6. For performance reasons, you can limit the number of items shown when you search for an item to be added to a transfer order. If the desired item is not shown, enter more specific search criteria.
  In the Maximum number of items in search field, enter a number.
7. You can enable printing of the shipping document after the transfer order is shipped. As a result, in the Store transfers process, the Print button is shown for shipped store transfers. You can use this button to print the shipment document.
  Select Yes in the Print shipment document field.
8. Define the printer type to print shipment documents in the Store transfers process.
  In the Store transfer printer type field, enter or select a value.

Note: A shipment document is only printed:
- If a default printer is set up for the defined printer type, with the applicable warehouse and user defined for the default printer.
- If a printer type is defined in this field.

9. Sub-task: Add distribution center warehouse.
  9.1 You can use a transfer order to transfer goods to another store or back to a distribution center warehouse. By default, in the Store transfers process, you can transfer to all other stores of the company. You can also enable to transfers to distribution center warehouses. To do so, add the desired distribution center warehouses.
  Click Add.
  9.2 In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
10. Close the page.

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