As a store worker, you often need an insight in item information. For example, where is the item stored, what is the physical available quantity, and what is the applicable price. You can use the Item info process of the Anywhere for retail app to get the desired item information.
Set the parameters that apply to the Item info process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Anywhere app parameters.
3. Click the Retail tab.
4. Expand the Item info section.
5. You can allow to use the unit from the scanned GTIN to check item information on, for example, available quantity or price. The scanned unit is converted to the inventory unit in the Item info process.
Example: You have a box in inventory with 10 pieces. If you scan the box, the item information shows a quantity of 10 pieces.
  Select Yes in the Use GTIN unit field.
6. In the standard Item info process, if you search for an item, you can filter items by item ID. You can enable filtering on the item name as well. As a result, the Name field is added to the filter fields.
  Select Yes in the Item info - filter list by name too field.
7. In the Promotions form of the Item info process the quantity promotions are shown. A promotion can be that a discount is applied when a certain number of items is purchased.
Define to which number of items promotions are shown on the Promotions form. For example, if you enter 3, prices are only shown for one, two, and three items.
  In the Maximum quantity for promotion calculations field, enter a number.
8. For performance reasons, you can limit the number of items shown as a result of an item search. If the desired item is not shown, enter more specific search criteria.
  In the Maximum number of items in search field, enter a number.
9. You can define the maximum number of weeks before the current date that are shown on the Sales history report.
  In the Maximum number of weeks for sales history field, enter a number.
10. Define the first day of the week to be considered for the week sales calculation.
  In the First day of the week field, select an option.
11. Sub-task: Add ADC warehouse.
  11.1 By default, on the main Item info form, physical available inventory is shown for the current warehouse only. You can also have physical available inventory shown for defined distribution center warehouses. To do so, add the desired distribution center warehouses.
  Click Add.

Note: The detailed physical available inventory report always shows the physical available inventory in all stores and warehouses of the company.

  11.2 In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
12. Close the page.

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