As a store worker, you can do tag counting to compare the actual contents of a store with the on-hand inventory D365 FO. You can use the Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app to do the tag counting for your store.
Set the parameters that apply to the Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Anywhere app parameters.
3. Click the Retail tab.
4. Expand the Tag counting section.
5. You can allow to use the unit from the scanned GTIN to tag count the items. On finishing the tag counting, the GTIN unit is converted to inventory unit in the Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app.
Example: Items, with inventory unit pieces, are counted. These are physically stored in boxes, each with 10 pieces. On counting, you can scan the available boxes, say 3. On finish counting, the counted quantity is 30 pieces.
  Select Yes in the Use GTIN unit field.
6. Select the default tag counting journal name to be used in Tag counting process of the Anywhere for retail app.
  In the Tag counting journal name field, enter or select a value.

Note: If no journal name is selected, the first journal name of type Tag counting, as defined on the Inventory journal names page, is used.

7. If you use tag counting, the tag ID is always a number sequence. You can use prefixes for tag IDs to distinguish store zones with different prefixes.
  Select Yes in the Set prefix for tags field.
8. You can have the physical available inventory, according to the inventory data in D365 FO, shown in the Tag counting process. The physical available inventory is shown on the form where you enter the counted quantity.
  Select Yes in the Show on-hand inventory field.
9. If you use prefixes for tag IDs, define the maximum number of characters to be used for a prefix. The total length of the prefix and the tag ID together cannot be more than 10 characters.
  In the Maximum number of characters for prefix field, enter a number.
10. Close the page.

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