Use the EDI Delfor journal to monitor the received EDI sales orders (Delfor).

The 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal' message imports the received sales orders (Delfor) into the EDI Delfor journal.
These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are:
  • Met, the EDI Delfor journal is automatically approved. The approved EDI Delfor journals are processed by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch.
  • Not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journal can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

Seller Seller Start Start View EDI Delfor journal View EDI Delfor journal Use the EDI Delfor journal to monitor the delivery forecast sales orders. The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal. If you monitor EDI Delfor journals, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. To show all EDI Delfor journals, clear the Show errors check box. 3. To view the details of an EDI Delfor journal, in the list, find the desired journal and click the link. 4. Sub-task: View line information. 5. In the Lines section, find and select the desired record. Review the line information. 6. Expand the Line details section. 7. Click the Business integration error tab. 8. Click the Journal validations tab. 9. Sub-task: View header information. 10. Click the Header tab. In the General section, review the main header information. 11. Expand the Order information section. 12. Expand the Addresses section. 13. Close the page. 14. Close the page. Notes The EDI Delfor journal is a staging journal. On the staging document (the document that is used to create the staging journal), you can indicate that a staging journal is split if lines are rejected. To do so, on the document header, set the 'Split on error' field to 'Yes' and fill in 'Split percentage' field. On creation of a staging journal, when line validations are not met, the staging journal can be split into two staging journals. If the staging journal is split, separate staging journals are created with the: Approved lines. So, these lines can be processed further. Rejected lines. Whether a staging journal is split, depends on the defined split percentage and the number of rejected lines. If the percentage of rejected lines is: Lower than the split percentage, the staging journal is split into a staging journal with approved lines and a staging journal with rejected lines. Higher than the 'split percentage', the staging journal is not split. So, only one staging journal is created with the journal status 'Rejected'. You can also manually split a staging journal with approved and rejected lines. As a result, an additional staging journal is created to which the rejected lines are moved. To do so, on the EDI Delfor journal page, on the Action Pane, on the EDI order tab, click Split journal. Is the journal status  Rejected? Is the journal status  Rejected? Does the EDI Delfor journal  have errors or warnings? Does the EDI Delfor journal  have errors or warnings? Solve EDI Delfor journal validation errors Solve EDI Delfor journal validation errors The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal. These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions. If journal validation errors are given, you have these options: Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in: The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error. Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with errors. You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI Delfor journal, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected. If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. In the list, find the desired EDI Delfor journal with journal status Rejected and click the link. 3. Click Edit. 4. Sub-task: Solve line validation errors. 5. In the Lines section, in the list, select a line with errors. 6. In the Lines section, click Validation errors and review the errors for the selected line. 7. Close the page. 8. To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the line or line details. If an error cannot be solved, you can cancel the line. As a result, if the EDI Delfor journal is again validated, this line is skipped. In the Lines section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 9. Sub-task: Solve address validation errors. 10. Click the Header tab. 11. Expand the Addresses section. 12. In the Addresses section, in the list, select the desired address. 13. In the Addresses section, click Validation errors and review the errors for the selected address. 14. Close the page. 15. To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the address. If an error cannot be solved, you can cancel the address. As a result, if the EDI Delfor journal is again validated, this address is skipped. In the Addresses section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 16. Sub-task: Solve header validation errors. 17. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 18. Click Validation errors and review the errors for the EDI Delfor journal header. Note: In this validation errors overview, all validation errors and warnings of the EDI Delfor journal are shown. Only the ones for the 'EDI Delfor journal' table apply to the header. 19. Close the page. 20. To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the header. You can do so in the General section and the Order information section. Expand the Order information section. Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 21. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 22. Click Cancel. 23. Close the page. 24. Close the page. Solve EDI Delfor journal validation warnings Solve EDI Delfor journal validation warnings The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal. These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions. If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options: Accept the header, line, or address with warnings. Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in: The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning. Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with warnings. If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. In the list, find the desired EDI Delfor journal with journal status Rejected and click the link. 3. Click Edit. 4. Sub-task: Solve line validation warnings. 5. In the Lines section, in the list, select a line with warnings. 6. In the Lines section, click Validation errors and review the warnings for the selected line. 7. Close the page. 8. If for a line a warning is given, but no action is required, you can accept the line warning. In the Lines section, in the Status field, select 'Accepted'. Note: You can accept all line warnings at once. To do so, in the Lines section, click Accept all warnings. 9. To solve a warning, make the appropriate changes to the line or line details. If a warning cannot be solved, you can cancel the line. As a result, if the EDI Delfor journal is again validated, this line is skipped. In the Lines section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. Note: If a warning is caused by setup, you can solve the warning in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 10. Sub-task: Solve address validation warnings. 11. Click the Header tab. 12. Expand the Addresses section. 13. In the Addresses section, in the list, select the desired address. 14. In the Addresses section, click Validation errors and review the warnings for the selected address. 15. Close the page. 16. In the Addresses section, in the Status field, select 'Accepted'. 17. To solve a warning, make the appropriate changes to the address. If a warning cannot be solved, you can cancel the address. As a result, if the EDI Delfor journal is again validated, this address is skipped. In the Addresses section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. Note: If a warning is caused by setup, you can solve the warning in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 18. Sub-task: Solve header validation warnings. 19. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 20. Click Validation errors and review the warnings for the EDI Delfor journal header. Note: In this validation errors overview, all validation errors and warnings of the EDI Delfor journal are shown. Only the ones for the 'EDI Delfor journal' table apply to the header. 21. Close the page. 22. To solve a warning, make the appropriate changes to the header. You can do so in the General section and the Order information section. Expand the Order information section. Note: If a warning is caused by setup, you can solve the warning in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. 23. Click the Lines tab. 24. In the General section, in the Status field, select 'Accepted'. 25. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 26. Click Cancel. 27. Close the page. 28. Close the page. Approve EDI Delfor journal Approve EDI Delfor journal If all errors and warnings of an EDI Delfor journal are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI Delfor journal. The EDI Delfor journal is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI Delfor journal journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI Delfor journals are processed by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. In the list, find and select the desired journal. 3. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 4. Click Approve. 5. Close the page. Approved  EDI Delfor journals  are processed Approved  EDI Delfor journals  are processed Did errors occur  on processing  EDI Delfor journal? Did errors occur  on processing  EDI Delfor journal? Solve EDI Delfor journal processing errors Solve EDI Delfor journal processing errors When an EDI Delfor journal is processed with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs: The EDI Delfor journal is not processed. The EDI Delfor journal message status is set to Error. The error is logged in the EDI Delfor journal Infolog. You can solve processing errors and have the EDI Delfor journal processed again. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. Sub-task: View processing errors. 3. In the list, find and select an EDI Delfor journal which message status is Error. 4. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 5. Click Show Infolog. Note: To see the Infolog message details, click the link in the shown message. 6. Sub-task: Solve processing errors. 7. In the list, click the link of the selected journal. 8. Click Edit and make the appropriate changes. 9. If all processing errors are solved, you can have the EDI Delfor journal processed again. In the General section, in the Message status field, select 'To be processed'. Note: As a result, the EDI sales order is automatically picked up by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch. 10. Close the page. 11. Close the page. Open related sales order for EDI Delfor journal Open related sales order for EDI Delfor journal For each EDI Delfor journal with message status Processed, you can open the related sales order from the EDI Delfor journal. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI Delfor journal. 2. To show the processed EDI Delfor journals, clear the Show errors check box. 3. In the list, find and select the desired processed EDI Delfor journal. 4. On the Action Pane, click EDI order. 5. Click Sales order. 6. Close the page. 7. Close the page. Do you update the  EDI Delfor  sales information? Do you update the  EDI Delfor  sales information? View EDI Delfor sales information View EDI Delfor sales information For each customer, item, and customer order combination, for which you receive delivery forecasts, you can provide an overview of the related EDI Delfor sales information. You can use this data to apply several validation rules to EDI Delfor journals. The EDI Delfor sales information is: Created and updated when an EDI Delfor journal is processed, and the related delivery forecast order is imported into the Sales orders table with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message. To create and update the EDI Delfor sales information, on this 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, you must add the mapping for the EDI Delfor Sales information (BisEdiDelforSalesData) table. Updated when a packing slip is posted for a sales order that is created based on an EDI Delfor journal. This update is only done if the EDI Delfor sales information exists for the customer, item, and customer order combination. Procedure 1. Go to EDI > Inquiries > EDI Delfor sales information. Notes You can show the EDI Delfor sales information on the Sales orders page. To do so, on the EDI Delfor parameters, select Yes in the Show Delfor information on sales order field. If you do so, the Delfor section is added to the Sales order header. You can reset the Quantity calculation reset date and Cumulative quantity received of the EDI Delfor sales information. For example, you reset this on January 1, each year. You can do so, in the Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order message mapping. End End Yes No Errors Warnings Yes No Yes No


Name Responsible Description

View EDI Delfor journal


Use the EDI Delfor journal to monitor the delivery forecast sales orders.

The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

If you monitor EDI Delfor journals, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation errors


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with errors.

You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI Delfor journal, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.

If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation warnings


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:

  • Accept the header, line, or address with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with warnings.

If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Approve EDI Delfor journal


If all errors and warnings of an EDI Delfor journal are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI Delfor journal. The EDI Delfor journal is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI Delfor journal journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI Delfor journals are processed by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch.

Solve EDI Delfor journal processing errors


When an EDI Delfor journal is processed with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:

  • The EDI Delfor journal is not processed.
  • The EDI Delfor journal message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI Delfor journal Infolog.

You can solve processing errors and have the EDI Delfor journal processed again.

Open related sales order for EDI Delfor journal


For each EDI Delfor journal with message status Processed, you can open the related sales order from the EDI Delfor journal.

View EDI Delfor sales information


For each customer, item, and customer order combination, for which you receive delivery forecasts, you can provide an overview of the related EDI Delfor sales information. You can use this data to apply several validation rules to EDI Delfor journals.

The EDI Delfor sales information is:

  • Created and updated when an EDI Delfor journal is processed, and the related delivery forecast order is imported into the Sales orders table with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message. To create and update the EDI Delfor sales information, on this 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, you must add the mapping for the EDI Delfor Sales information (BisEdiDelforSalesData) table.
  • Updated when a packing slip is posted for a sales order that is created based on an EDI Delfor journal. This update is only done if the EDI Delfor sales information exists for the customer, item, and customer order combination.


Name Responsible Description

View EDI Delfor journal


Use the EDI Delfor journal to monitor the delivery forecast sales orders.

The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

If you monitor EDI Delfor journals, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation errors


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with errors.

You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI Delfor journal, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.

If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation warnings


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:

  • Accept the header, line, or address with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with warnings.

If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Approve EDI Delfor journal


If all errors and warnings of an EDI Delfor journal are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI Delfor journal. The EDI Delfor journal is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI Delfor journal journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI Delfor journals are processed by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch.

Solve EDI Delfor journal processing errors


When an EDI Delfor journal is processed with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:

  • The EDI Delfor journal is not processed.
  • The EDI Delfor journal message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI Delfor journal Infolog.

You can solve processing errors and have the EDI Delfor journal processed again.

Open related sales order for EDI Delfor journal


For each EDI Delfor journal with message status Processed, you can open the related sales order from the EDI Delfor journal.

View EDI Delfor sales information


For each customer, item, and customer order combination, for which you receive delivery forecasts, you can provide an overview of the related EDI Delfor sales information. You can use this data to apply several validation rules to EDI Delfor journals.

The EDI Delfor sales information is:

  • Created and updated when an EDI Delfor journal is processed, and the related delivery forecast order is imported into the Sales orders table with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message. To create and update the EDI Delfor sales information, on this 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, you must add the mapping for the EDI Delfor Sales information (BisEdiDelforSalesData) table.
  • Updated when a packing slip is posted for a sales order that is created based on an EDI Delfor journal. This update is only done if the EDI Delfor sales information exists for the customer, item, and customer order combination.

See also

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