For each customer, item, and customer order combination, for which you receive delivery forecasts, you can provide an overview of the related EDI Delfor sales information. You can use this data to apply several validation rules to EDI Delfor journals.

The EDI Delfor sales information is:

  • Created and updated when an EDI Delfor journal is processed, and the related delivery forecast order is imported into the Sales orders table with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message. To create and update the EDI Delfor sales information, on this 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, you must add the mapping for the EDI Delfor Sales information (BisEdiDelforSalesData) table.
  • Updated when a packing slip is posted for a sales order that is created based on an EDI Delfor journal. This update is only done if the EDI Delfor sales information exists for the customer, item, and customer order combination.

Standard procedure

1. Go to EDI > Inquiries > EDI Delfor sales information.


  • You can show the EDI Delfor sales information on the Sales orders page. To do so, on the EDI Delfor parameters, sIf you do so, the Delfor section is added to the Sales order header.
  • You can reset the Quantity calculation reset date and Cumulative quantity received of the EDI Delfor sales information. For example, you reset this on January 1, each year. You can do so, in the Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order message mapping.

See also

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