If you use the EDI Delfor journal, you can set up the applicable journal validations. For each EDI Delfor journal-related table, you can define the applicable validation rules.

For several EDI Delfor journal-related tables, predefined validation rules are standard available.
Table Validation class Description
BisEdiDelforJour BisCheckBisEdiDelforJour Base validation class. Do not use as validation rule.
BisEdiDeflorCheckCumalitiveQtyPerOrder Checks if the Cumulative quantity received (EDI Delfor journal header) exceeds the Cumulative quantity delivered (EDI Delfor sales information).
BisEdiDelforCheckCumulativeQtyReceived Checks if Cumulative quantity received (EDI Delfor journal header) matches the Cumulative quantity received (EDI Delfor sales information) + the Last packing slip quantity (EDI Delfor journal header).
BisEdiDeflorCheckNewerImport Checks if an unprocessed EDI Delfor journal exists which is received before the current EDI Delfor journal. To do so, the Document date (EDI Delfor journal header) is compared with the Last imported date (EDI Delfor sales information).
BisEdiDelforCheckImportDate Checks if the Delfor sales order is processed in the correct sequence. If for the Delfor sales order already an EDI Delfor journal exists, the newly imported data is added to a new EDI Delfor journal which is set to Rejected. This is the case if the Document date (EDI Delfor journal header) of the existing EDI Delfor journal is after the Document date (EDI Delfor journal header) of the new EDI Delfor journal.
To get the new EDI Delfor journal processed, you have several options:
  • Approve and process the existing EDI Delfor journal before you approve and process the new EDI Delfor journal.
  • Cancel the existing EDI Delfor journal and approve and process the new EDI Delfor journal. Usually, you do this when the existing EDI Delfor journal is already processed.
BisCheckEdiDelforJourNoLines Checks if the EDI Delfor journal has lines. Only EDI Delfor journals with lines can be processed.
BisEdiDelforCheckPreviousJournalStatus Checks if, for the sales order, an earlier EDI Delfor journal exists that is not yet processed. The check is done by comparing the creation date of the current EDI Delfor journal with the creation date of the not yet processed EDI Delfor journal.
BisEdiDelforCheckCustomerExist Checks if the customer exists, using the CustAccount field. Also checks if the customer is allowed to send delivery forecasts (does a relevant document flow exist?).
BisEdiDelforCheckItemIdJour Checks if the ItemId exists in the InventTable. The check is done on the EDI Delfor journal header.
BisEdiDelforCheckCumulativeQtyCalcResetDate Checks if the Quantity calculation reset date on the EDI Delfor journal matches the Quantity calculation reset date on the EDI Delfor sales information. The check is done, based on the customer and item, and the last sales order for this combination.
BisEdiDelforAddresses BisCheckBisEdiDelforAddresses Base validation class. Do not use as validation rule.
BisEdiDelforCheckAddressEanCode Checks if the addresses exist, using the field BisEanCodeId (GLN).
BisEdiDelforCheckDeliveryAddress Checks, based on an EAN code, if an address can be found in D365 FO with the Plant and Unloading Poin. The Plant and Unloading point fields are EDI Delfor-specific fields on the logistic postal address table.
BisEdiDelforCheckUnloadingPoint Checks, based on an EAN code, if the Plant and Unloading point of the Delivery address on the EDI Delfor journal header differ from the Plant and Unloading point of the Delivery address on the sales order.
BisEdiDelforTrans BisCheckBisEdiDelforTrans Base validation class. Do not use as validation rule.
BisEdiDelforCheckQtyValidation Checks if for an EDI Delfor journal the order line quantity can be updated. The check is done based on the ‘Minimum no of days until delivery in which changes are allowed’ EDI Delfor parameter.
BisEdiDelforCheckItemLowestQty Checks if the OrderedQty is greater than the LowestQty defined in the InventTableModule for sales.
BisEdiDeflorCheckShipmentDate Checks if the ShippingDateRequested is before today.
BisEdiDelforCheckDeliveryDate Checks if the RequestedDeliveryDate is in the past.
BisEdiDelforCheckProductionOrder Checks if a production order exists for which the picking process is started for the related sales order line.
BisEdidelforCheckItemHighestQty Checks if the SalesQty field is less than the HighestQty defined in the InventTableModule for sales.
BisEdiDelforCheckItemLowestsalesQty Checks if the SalesQty is greater than the LowestQty defined in the InventTableModule for sales.
BisEdiDelforCheckItemMultiplyQty Checks if the SalesQty is less than the MultipleQty defined in the InventTableModule for sales.
BisEdiDelforCheckSalesOrderLineStatus Checks if the related sales order line is not blocked. Checks if, on the sales order line, the Stopped field is set to No.

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