
Activity Area Description

Activate indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting

Once approved, you can activate the indirect cost plan. This will make it ready for use.

Add ceiling rates and limits

Projects & GovCon

Set up ceiling rates and limits for the indirect cost plan of the project contract. These ceiling rates and limits serve as default for manually created projects. The rates are calculated in this sequence: ceiling rate, provisional rate, target rate. If no ceiling rate is defined, the provisional rate is calculated. If no ceiling rate or provisional rate is defined, the target rate is calculated.

Add provisional rates to indirect cost plan

Projects & GovCon

Add provisional rates to the indirect cost plan of the project contract. These provisional rates serve as default for manually created projects and project quotations. For more information on provisional rates, please refer to the Information for Contractors Manual published by the DCAA. 

Add target rates manually to indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting You can manually add target rates to your indirect cost plan.

Allocate indirect costs to budget register entries

Set up Government contracting

Set up the budgets for ledger accounts and financial dimensions. The indirect costs are unique for the Government contracting solution.

A cost or expense that is not directly traceable to, for example, a department, product, activity, or customer, is considered an indirect cost. Therefore, indirect costs and expenses are allocated to, for example, the department or product. Example: a manufacturing department that molds plastic has some costs that are directly traceable to it.

Direct costs can be the wages and fringe benefits of direct labor working exclusively in that department. However, the heat for the entire building appears only on one utility bill. The heating bill is an indirect cost to the molding department. Generally, the heating bill will be allocated to all departments based on the number of square feet each department occupies.

Cost principles include regulations that require institutions to disclose what costs are charged to sponsored projects and if these are direct or indirect costs. One of the determining factors for a cost to be considered as direct or indirect depends on if the costs are explicitly budgeted and justified in the proposal. Also, that the sponsor accepts the proposed cost as part of the project direct costs. Therefore, it is imperative that the contractor pre-determines the type of cost as allowable and that it can be claimed directly and includes the cost in the budget proposal.

Allocate indirect costs to project quotation

Projects & GovCon You can create a basic project quotation. You can add an indirect cost plan to a project quotation and generate the indirect costs for it. It is important to remember to populate the required financial dimensions so that Government contracting calculates the indirect cost allocation correctly.

Allocate indirect costs to project quotation with WBS

Projects & GovCon

You can create a project quotation with a work breakdown structure. You can add an indirect cost plan to a project quotation and generate the indirect costs for it. This structure contains tasks and estimations, which can be turned into quotation lines. It is important to remember to populate the required financial dimensions so that Government contracting solution calculates the indirect cost allocation correctly. For more information, refer to Work breakdown structures.

Apply indirect cost plan to project

Projects & GovCon You can set up projects manually in several ways. The default indirect cost plan comes from the project contract. On a project, you can change it.

Approve indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting Approve or reject the indirect cost plan following the applicable workflow.

Calculate actual rates

Month-end Processes

You can calculate actual rates based on real system data and indirect cost plan formulas. These actual rates give an updated view of projects in terms of all types of costs. You can calculate one indirect cost plan at a time.

Close project quotation when lost

Projects & GovCon

If you lose a project quotation, you can mark it as lost with a reason why it was lost. For more information, refer to Update a quotation

Create a WBS for a project

Projects & GovCon You can use a WBS for a project. If you do so, make sure for each WBS line that the relevant financial dimensions are filled in properly. This is required to correctly calculate the indirect cost allocation.

Create incurred cost report

Month-end Processes You can export data to be used for the incurred cost submission. You can export to the Incurred Cost in Excel (ICE) file or to in the format you use.

Create indirect cost allocation adjustment (batch)

Month-end Processes

To make sure, the indirect cost allocations are correct and up-to-date, you can create an indirect cost allocation adjustment in batch. This can be a debit or a credit adjustment, depending on if you over-invoiced or under-invoiced your customer. The indirect costs that are allocated but not invoiced are also calculated. Prerequisite: Actual rate calculation.

Create indirect cost allocation adjustment (project)

Month-end Processes

To make sure, the indirect cost allocations are correct and up-to-date, you can create an indirect cost allocation adjustment. This can be a debit or a credit adjustment, depending on if you over-invoiced or under-invoiced your customer. The indirect costs that are allocated but not invoiced are also calculated. Prerequisite: Actual rate calculation.

Create indirect cost journal (batch)

Projects & GovCon You can create indirect cost expense journals for all projects. You can set it up to run as a recurring batch.

Create indirect cost journal (project)

Projects & GovCon You can create indirect cost expense journals for a single project. Note: You can also do this at a project contract level.

Create project contract with indirect cost plan

Projects & GovCon

In D365 FO, a project contract is required for the project. It defines the rules for funding and billing as well. You can add an indirect cost plan to a project contract. The indirect cost plan serves as default to any project that you create manually from a project contract.

Create project invoice proposals

Projects & GovCon

Before you create a customer invoice for a project, you can create a preliminary invoice or invoice proposal. In an invoice proposal, you can select project transactions to include in a project invoice. You can choose to not select all lines or make other choices if you need to include records from sales orders. Note that any unallowable indirect cost allocations do not appear in the list of transactions to be invoiced.

Define annual financial goals and plans

Set up Government contracting

The annual budget is often decided upon in a discussion among management team members. Once defined, you can enter the budget in the Budgeting module. If budget controls are used, make sure to include your indirect costs to avoid any budget warnings or stops.

Define unallowable cost accounts

Set up Government contracting

Define which general ledger accounts are unallowable for project contracts and projects. Link these accounts to project categories and set these accounts to be non-billable for project transactions. Unallowable costs are shown on the project indirect cost statement if charged to the project.

Define which general ledger accounts are always unallowable

Set up Government contracting Per regulations, certain types of costs are considered unallowable. Set up general ledger accounts that can be used for unallowable costs on the Unallowable costs page.

Edit project forecasts

Projects & GovCon

You can edit project forecasts and then generate indirect costs. As an example, in this topic, the hours forecast is edited.

Generate indirect costs to project WBS

Projects & GovCon When the project set up and WBS are finished, generate the indirect costs. As a result, the indirect costs are calculated and allocated to the project WBS. You can also see the detail in the Line details fast tab in the indirect cost tab.

Identify adjustments to invoicing

Projects & GovCon

Define any changes needed to the current transactions before you continue with your invoice process.

Post indirect cost journal

Projects & GovCon

When created, you can post indirect cost journals. If on the Project management and accounting parameters, on the Government contracting tab, the Post indirect cost expense journal field is set to Yes, indirect cost expense journals are posted automatically after creation.

Post project invoice

Projects & GovCon

Once the project invoice is considered correct, it is time to post it.

Receive RFQ from customer

Projects & GovCon Customers send out a request for quotation or request for proposal, to expect bids. These can come in various formats.

Review actual rates

Month-end Processes

When the actual rates have been calculated, you can review these values. You can view:

  • The values currently in the general ledger
  • The formulas from the indirect cost plan
  • Results of the calculations.

Review and approve budget submission

Set up Government contracting

You can use a workflow to approve budgets.

Review and edit invoice

Projects & GovCon Manually review the invoice to ensure all is correct before you post and send it to the customer.

Review and post indirect cost allocation adjustment

Month-end Processes

Review the indirect cost allocation adjustment and post to the daily journal as set up in the Project management and accounting parameters on the Government contracting tab.

Review for contract requirements

Projects & GovCon It is important to review the RFQ for all potential contract requirements to ensure the resulting bid is complete and you can meet all the required tasks.

Review project forecasts

Projects & GovCon Use the All forecasts option to see everything or utilize the various other options to review the forecast created from the project quotation. Click on the indirect cost tab to view the estimated indirect cost allocation per forecast line.

Review project information

Projects & GovCon

Before you change the project status to 'In-process', review this project information:

  • Work breakdown structure
  • Indirect cost allocation
  • Budget

Send project invoice to customer

Projects & GovCon

Send the project invoice to the customer.

Set up account structures for indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting For the indirect cost plan, link the applicable cost pools to the applicable general ledger account structures. For example, link the overhead cost pool to the general ledger account structure for overhead expenses, such as rent or utilities.
Note: Before you can link general ledger account structures to cost pools, you must have set up your account structures in the general ledger.

Set up direct cost pools

Set up Government contracting

Set up the cost pools that are used in the indirect cost plans.

Note: Direct cost pools do not require a general ledger account for use in the Create cost adjustment process. Therefore, the Offset account for indirect cost adjustment field is not editable.

Set up formula for indirect cost plans

Set up Government contracting Set up the formulas for the indirect cost plan to calculate target rates. These formulas are used in the month-end rate update process and to create cost adjustments.

Set up government contracting parameters

Set up Government contracting

Before you can use Government contracting, set the default journals and other controls for Government contracting.

Set up indirect cost allocation basis

Set up Government contracting Set up the units of measure to be applied on creation of indirect cost allocations. This setup is used with the Budgeting module only.

Set up indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting Set up indirect cost plans to simulate and determine the indirect cost composition and target rates as required by FAR Subpart 31.2-Contracts with Commercial Organizations. You can have several indirect cost plans with different dates, rates, structures, and formulas.

Set up indirect cost plan workflow

Set up Government contracting You must use a workflow for indirect cost plans.

Set up indirect cost pools

Set up Government contracting

Set up the cost pools that are used in the indirect cost plans.

Set up number sequence for indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting You can set up an automatic number sequence for indirect cost plans.

Set up tiered indirect costs structure

Set up Government contracting You can apply a tier structure to indirect cost pools, also called cascading or waterfalling pools. You can set up indirect cost pools that apply allocations to other indirect cost pools. For example, apply overhead costs to fringe benefits or apply general and administrative expenses across other indirect cost pools.

Simulate and define target rates for indirect cost plan

Set up Government contracting Run simulations for different indirect cost pools as related to the direct costs to calculate target rates. Run simulations for each combination as needed to determine the value to use for your target rates.

Submit corrections to appropriate department

Projects & GovCon Project invoice correction processes vary. Follow your defined business process for submitting corrections.

Submit indirect cost plan for approval

Set up Government contracting

If an indirect cost plan is properly set up, submit the indirect cost plan for approval.

Submit project quotation for approval

Projects & GovCon

You can use an approval workflow for project quotations. If you do so, submit the project quotation for approval when it is ready.

Transfer project quotation to project

Projects & GovCon If a quotation is marked as sent and confirmed, convert it to a project. Follow the standard wizard prompts to transfer your quotation to a project.

Provide feedback