You can view how a solution is related to other solutions. The solution relations are defined by the solution references.

Each solution is shown as a building block in the solution references hierarchy. The current solution is highlighted. If you click the text in a building block, the Business process presentation viewer is opened for the solution.
To show the solution references, this logic is applied (the texts between the brackets refer to the example picture):
  • If the current solution:
    • Has a reference solution defined, this reference solution is shown above of the current solution. (Solution1 has references: Solution2 and Solution 3)
    • Is defined as reference solution of another solution, this other solution is shown below the current solution. (Solution1 is reference of: Solution 4 and Solution5)
  • If a reference solution of the current solution also has a reference solution defined, this solution is shown above the reference solution. (Solution8 has reference: Solution2)
  • If a reference solution of the current solution is also defined as a reference solution in another solution, the other solution is shown next to the current solution. (Solution5 has reference: Solution2)
  • If a solution, that has the current solution as reference, is also defined as a reference in another solution, this other solution is shown below the solution. (Solution7 has references: Solution4 and Solution5)

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. In the Solution field, enter or select a value.
3. On the Overview tab, click View.
4. Click Global implementation view.
5. Close the page.
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