If you have recorded a process, and linked the procedure activity steps to sub activities, you can create a flow. Each assigned sub activity is added to the flow in the sequence of the steps to which these sub activities are assigned. On creation, the flow is automatically assigned to the related business process.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click the Business processes tab.
3. Click Edit hierarchy.
4. In the tree, select 'a node with a procedure activity assigned'.

Note: For this procedure activity, the steps must be recorded, and sub activities must be linked to these steps.

5. Click the Procedure tab.
6. Click Create flow to open the drop dialog.
7. You can change the default flow name, which is the business process name.
  In the Flow field, type a value.
8. You can change the default description, which is the business process description.
  In the Description field, type a value.
9. If you want to add the flow to an existing process, define a process.
  In the Process field, enter or select a value.

Note: If you don't define a process, a process is created with the defined flow name.

10. Click OK.
Related to Notes

Record processes


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