You can add any field from any table to the sensitive data setup. However, the table can be date-effective or part of an inheritance structure. In this case, the table cannot be used to enable change logging for sensitive data. Instead, the related staging table must be used to enable change logging for sensitive data.

To define which staging table must be used to enable change logging, map the date-effective table or inheritance structure table to the desired staging table. Also, map the applicable fields of the date-effective table or inheritance structure table to the related fields of the staging table.

Examples of date-effective tables or inheritance structure tables and related staging tables are:

  • DirPartyTable -> DirPartyAttachmentStaging
  • DirPerson -> DirPersonStaging
  • LogisticsPostalAddress -> LogisticsPostalAddressElectronicContactStaging

Standard procedure

1. Go to Security and compliance > Setup > Sensitive data condition setup.

Note: You can open the Sensitive data condition setup page also from the Action Pane of the Sensitive data setup page.

2. Click New.
3. In the Main table field, enter or select a value.
4. In the Main table field, enter or select a value.
5. In the Staging table field, enter or select a value.
6. Sub-task: Map fields manually.
  6.1 If you only want to track changes to one or a few sensitive data fields, manually map these fields to the related fields in the staging table.
  In the Field mapping section, click Add.
  6.2 In the Main table field field, enter or select a value.
  6.3 In the Stagging table field field, enter or select a value.
7. Sub-task: Generate field mapping.
  7.1 If you want to track sensitive data changes to several or all fields of a table, you can generate the field mapping. As a result, the fields with the same name in both mapped tables are automatically mapped.
  Click Generate mapping.
  7.2 Click Yes.


To complete the generated field mapping, you can:

  • Remove the field mapping for the fields which data is not sensitive.
  • Manually add the field mapping for sensitive data fields that have different names in the mapped tables.

8. Close the page.


The sensitive data staging setup applies to all sensitive data change tracking setup. So, you only need to set up a sensitive data staging setup once for each table.

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