You can monitor the latest login of users. You can use this information to reduce license costs. For example, you can remove users who have never logged in or who's latest login is more than three months back.

Standard procedure

1. Click License optimization.
2. In the Charts section, view the Users latest login chart. This chart shows the number of users whose latest login was: - During the last month. - Between one and three months back. - Longer than three months back. - Never. Click a bar to view the related users.
3. On the Users page, in the list, find and select the desired user.
4. On the Login date and time tab, view the login details of the selected user.
5. Close the page.


You can also monitor the login details for each user. Click Security management > Click the Users tab > Select a user > Click the Login data and time tab.

Related to Notes

Monitor license usage


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