As a snapshot can consist of a lot of data, keeping many snapshots can slow performance. Therefore, you are advised to have a maximum of five snapshots.

You can set up automatic clean-up of snapshots. As a result, older snapshots are deleted according to these rules:
  • The value of the Limit number of snapshots field on the Security and compliance studio parameters.
    The number, as defined in this field, is the number of snapshots that is kept if you delete snapshots.
  • The Protected check box for snapshots.
    The snapshots that are marked as protected are kept.
On deletion, counting of snapshots to be kept starts with the latest snapshot, while protected snapshots are skipped in the count. The remaining older snapshots are deleted.
No snapshots are deleted if the value of the Limit number of snapshots field is 0, or less than or equal to the number of snapshots.
In September 2018, eight snapshots are created, of which two are marked as protected. At the end of the month, you do your monthly snapshot clean-up.
Limit number of snapshots = 3
This table shows which snapshots are kept and which ones are deleted:

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Click the Snapshots tab.
3. Click Set up automatic deletion.
4. Sub-task: Set recurrence.
  4.1 Expand the Run in the background section.
  4.2 You can delete snapshots in batch.
  Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other batch fields as required.
  4.3 You can delete snapshots in a recurring pattern.
  Click Recurrence and define the recurrence settings.
  4.4 Click OK.
5. Click OK.
Related to Notes

Manage snapshots


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