You can make changes to a table security recording.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Click the Data security tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Edit.
5. Sub-task: Remove permission.
  5.1 In the Permissions list, find and select the desired record.
  5.2 Click Remove.
  5.3 Click Yes.
6. Sub-task: Change access right for permission.
  6.1 In the Permissions list, find and select the desired record.
  6.2 In the Modify access right field, select an option.
7. Close the page.


Each change to a table security recording is logged in the data security history. You can view this history in these places:

  • On the Security management workspace or the Security audit workspace, on the Data security tab, on the History tab.
  • On the Table security page, in the History FactBox.

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