You can give a user access to several organizations by assigning several user roles to these organizations.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Click Users.
3. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
4. On the User's roles pane, click Manage access on roles to multiple organizations.
5. Sub-task: Select roles.
  5.1 On the Not selected pane, in the list, find and select the desired roles.
  5.2 Click Add.

Note: If you add a role that is not yet assigned to the user, it is assigned to the user when added to the Selected roles.

6. Sub-task: Select organizations.
  6.1 Click Assign organizations.
  6.2 Use the Assign organizations page to select the organizations to which the user must get access for the selected roles. The user and selected roles are shown at the top of the page. You can repeat the steps in this sub-task as often as is desired.
  6.3 You can grant access to:
- All organizations in one go.
- Specific organizations, which must be selected.
  In the Access to organizations field, select an option.
  6.4 In the Select organization hierarchy field, select an option.

Note: This field is only available if you selected Grant access to specific organizations individually.

  6.5 In the tree, select 'an organization'.
  6.6 Click Grant.

Note: - If the selected organization has children, you can also click Grant with children. As a result, access is also given to the child organizations.
- As a result, for each selected role the user is given access to the selected organization. For each role-and-organization combination, a record is added to the grid.

7. Close the page.
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