You can copy the security setup of a selected user to another user. All security roles, as assigned to the selected user, are copied to the other user.

You can also copy the organization access, as defined for the copied roles, to the other user. If a copied security role is already assigned to the other user, this role is updated with the organization access rights from the copied role.
On copy, the security setup of the other user is validated for segregation of duties violations. Note: If enhanced segregation of duties rules are enabled, the security setup is validated against the enhanced segregation of duties rules.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Click the Users tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click Copy security setup to open the drop dialog.
6. In the User ID field, enter or select a value.
7. You can also copy the organization access, as defined for the copied roles, to the other user.
  Select Yes in the Copy assigned organizations field.
8. Click OK.
9. Close the page.
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