It is advisable to create a subset of security roles that are actually used in your company. This way, the security administrator has a better overview of the security roles that are used in your company.

So, if a standard security role matches a scenario, you can create an exact copy of this standard security role and assign this copy to the applicable users.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Sub-task: Match roles.
  2.1 Click the Scenarios tab.
  2.2 In the list, find and select the desired record.
  2.3 Click Match roles.
  2.4 On the dialog, fill in the fields as required.
  2.5 Click OK.
  2.6 Review the matched roles and the matching degree of these roles.
3. Sub-task: Duplicate role.
  3.1 In the list, find and select the role with the best match.
  3.2 Click Duplicate role.
  3.3 In the Role Name field, type a value.

Note: The default role name consists of these elements:
- The prefix as defined in the Security and compliance studio parameters.
- The name of the selected role.

  3.4 In the Description field, type a value.
  3.5 Click OK.
Related to Notes

Match roles


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