For each website, you can define the tiles to be shown on the website.
This topic describes how to define a tile that refers to another website.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process file share.
2. Click Websites.
3. In the list, find and select the desired website.
4. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
5. Click Edit.
6. Click the Tiles tab.
7. Click Add tile.
8. In the Type field, select 'Custom'.
9. The title is shown on the tile on the website.
  In the Title field, type a value.
10. In the Custom URL field, enter a URL to another website. The URL must be the full web address. For example:

Note: The resources, as defined for the website definition, are not applied to a referenced website.

11. You can define your own image to be shown on the tile. It can be an image that is already available on the internet or stored in a folder. If you do not define a custom image URL, the standard image is shown on the tile.
  In the Custom image URL field, type a value.

Note: - Images on tiles are always shown in the same size.
- If you define a custom image URL, the image is only shown if the website user has access to the image location.
- If you define a custom image URL, make sure the URL stays up-to-date. For example, a webpage or folder can be moved, which also changes the URL for the image.
Tip: Add custom tile pictures to the 'images' folder in the Resources and enter this URL: Resources\images\[image name.extension]. See also: 'Customize resources'.

12. Enter a description of the tile. This description is shown on the tile.
Related to Notes

Set up websites


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