You can define a website to be stored in the business process file share.
On publish, files and folders are generated and stored in a temporary folder. When generation is finished:
  1. The files and folders are added to a ZIP file.
  2. The temporary folder with its contents is deleted.
  3. The ZIP file is stored on the Business process management workspace, on the All files tab. If you have only published a solution, the ZIP file is also stored on the Business process file share workspace, on the Websites tab.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process file share.
2. Click Websites.
3. Click New.
4. In the Website field, type a value.
5. In the Storage field, make sure RapidValue file share is selected.
6. Enter a description of the website. This description is shown in the upper part of the title page of the website.
7. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Set up websites


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