If you publish a website, you can indicate that the 'Provide feedback' button is shown for each published topic. If so, you can use this button to enter feedback on each topic on the website. The feedback is created in the RapidValue environment from which the website is published. You can only provide feedback if you are a user in this environment.
The steps in this topic only cover the feedback entry steps in RapidValue.

To start the RapidValue feedback entry, on the website, select a topic, and click 'Provide feedback'. As a result, the RapidValue Feedback page is opened.

Standard procedure

1. In the Type field, select an option.
2. In the Notes section, enter your feedback on the topic.
3. Click Save.
4. Close the current tab of your internet browser.


On the My process guide workspace, on the My feedback tab, you can view all feedback you have entered.

Related to Notes

Manage feedback


Provide feedback