Add positions to each organization in the organization hierarchy. A position not only defines which role a person has in this part of the organization, but also gives a specification of the role of the person. For example, a team consists of several persons with the role Engineer. However, one of them has, in this team, the position of Lead engineer.

You can use positions as defined in the Human resources module or create positions in RapidValue.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click the Organizations tab.
3. Click Edit hierarchy.
4. In the tree, select 'an organization'.
5. Click the Positions tab.
6. Sub-task: Add position from Human resources.
  6.1 Click Add.
  6.2 You can use positions as defined in the Human resources module.
  Click From Human resources.
  6.3 On the Positions tab, in the list, find and select the desired positions.
  6.4 Click OK.
7. Sub-task: Add position in RapidValue.
  7.1 Click Add.
  7.2 You can create a position in RapidValue.
  Click New.
  7.3 In the Role field, enter or select a value.
  7.4 In the Position field, type a value.
  7.5 In the Person field, enter or select a value.
8. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Describe organization model


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