A skill represents a specific skill, experience, education, or training that a person can have. You can use skills to make assigning people to roles easier and more structured.

You can use skills as defined in the Human resources module or create skills in RapidValue.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click Skills.
3. Click Add.
4. Sub-task: Add skills from human resources.
  4.1 You can use skills as defined in the Human resources module. These skills do not have a skill type definition which is required in RapidValue. Therefore, define the skill type that applies to the skills.
  In the Type field, select an option.
  4.2 On the Skills tab, in the list, find and select the desired skills.
5. Sub-task: Add RapidValue skill.
  5.1 You can create a skill in RapidValue.
  Click the New tab.

Note: You either select skills from the Human resources module or create a RapidValue skill. You cannot do both in one go.

  5.2 In the SkillId field, type a value.
  5.3 In the Description field, type a value.
  5.4 In the Type field, select an option.
6. Click OK.

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