Define the roles in your solution.

A role is a business function that is done by a person. You can distinguish between two types of roles:

  • Organizational roles: the lowest tier on the organization model.
  • Functional roles: business processes are done by the organization to produce products or services for its customers. The horizontal flow of the process is divided into activities, which can be further divided into more detailed activities. Roles are assigned to these detail-level activities to reflect individual process responsibility and accountability.
You can use security roles as defined in the security configuration in the System administration module or create roles in RapidValue.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click the Roles tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Sub-task: Add security role from System administration.
  4.1 You can use security roles from the System administration module. These security roles do not have an area definition which is required in RapidValue. Therefore, define the area to which the security roles apply.
  On the Roles tab, in the Area field, enter or select a value.
  4.2 In the list, find and select the desired security roles.

Note: On add, a RapidValue role is created which is linked to the security role.

5. Sub-task: Add RapidValue role.
  5.1 You can create a role in RapidValue.
  Click the New tab.

Note: You either select security roles or create a role in RapidValue. You cannot do both in one go.

  5.2 In the RoleId field, type a value.
  5.3 In the Description field, type a value.
  5.4 In the Area field, enter or select a value.
6. Click OK.

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