In this topic, the rules are explained that apply to the release of engineering-controlled products.

Product release

These rules apply to the release of a product:

  • You can only release a product from the engineering company, if at least one engineering version is active. If none of the engineering versions is active, the product is not released, and an error is shown.
  • To release a BOM and the products on the BOM lines together with the product:
    • For the related engineering product type, on the Release control tab, the Receive BOM check box must be selected.
    • It must be a direct BOM. So, the BOM must be defined on the engineering version. If the product only has an indirect BOM, the BOM is not included in the product release process.


These rules apply to the engineering-controlled products:

  • That you select to be released.
  • That are defined on the BOM lines of a selected product, if the BOM for this selected product is also released. Note that an engineering-controlled product on a BOM line can have a different engineering product type than its parent product. For example, for an engineering-controlled product on a BOM line the Receive BOM check box is cleared. As a result, everything in the BOM underneath this product is not released.

Engineering versions

Which engineering versions are released if you release a product is defined by the applicable type of product engineering:

  • Imprecise engineering (for the product or product master, the Version product dimension is inactive): If you release the product, no engineering version is mentioned. Only the latest active engineering version (the one with the highest version number) is released. The effective dates are not taken into account.
  • Precise engineering (for the product master, the Version product dimension is active): If you release the product, you must select which versions you want to release. You must do so on the Release products dialog or on the BOM line form. Only the selected versions are released, if active. The effective dates are not taken into account.

Data ownership effective dates

If you release a product, earlier released engineering versions can already exist in the target company. Which company owns the Effective from and Effective to dates of these engineering versions is defined by the applicable type of product engineering:

  • Precise engineering scenarios:
    • You select one or several versions during product release, all with Effective from and Effective to dates defined; the selected versions already exist in the target company: The Effective from and Effective to dates, as defined in the engineering company are set as the Effective from and Effective to dates of the versions in the target company.
    • You select one or several (new) versions during product release, you do not select the previous version; the previous version on the target company has an Effective to date defined: The Effective to date of the previous version on the target company remains unchanged.
    • You select one or several (new) versions during product release, you do not select the previous version; the previous version on the target company has no Effective to date defined: The Effective to date of the previous version on the target company is automatically changed to the date before the Effective from date of the released version, if enforce effectivity is activated on the engineering product type.
    • You select several versions during product release, one of these versions (not the latest selected) has no Effective to date defined; at least the version with no Effective to date defined already exists in the target company: in the target company, for the version with no Effective to date in the engineering company, the Effective to date is automatically changed to the date before the Effective from date of the next selected version, if enforce effectivity is activated on the engineering product type.
  • Imprecise engineering scenarios:
    • The latest available active version in the engineering company is released during product release; the previous version on the target company has an Effective to date defined: the Effective to date of the previous version on the target company remains unchanged.
    • The latest available active version in the engineering company is released during product release; the previous version on the target company has no Effective to date defined: the Effective to date of the previous version on the target company is automatically changed to the date before the Effective from date of the released version.

Data ownership of BOMs

In product engineering, you can set up BOMs on these levels:

  • Engineering version (direct): BOMs are included in the product release process.
  • Released product (indirect): BOMs are also included in the product release process but are not version dependent.

If you release a product with direct BOMs, these rules apply:

  • The BOMs are only released if the Receive BOM check box is selected for the applicable engineering product type.
  • If for a BOM line product also the Receive BOM check box is selected for the applicable engineering product type, its BOM is also released.
  • Each BOM that is defined on the engineering version is released, whether it is approved or not.

Data ownership BOM header upon release

All fields of the BOM header are owned by the local company.

These fields are copied from the engineering company on initial release of the engineering version:

  • Approved
  • Approved by
  • Active
  • Name
  • Site


  • If you release an engineering version another time, these fields are not updated.
  • The Approved and Approved by fields are only copied if the Copy BOM approval check box is selected for the applicable engineering product type.
  • The Active field is only copied if the Copy BOM activation check box is selected for the applicable engineering product type.

Data ownership of BOM lines upon release

These fields of the BOM lines are owned by the engineering company, and therefore updated during product release:

  • Item number (ItemId)
  • Product dimensions
  • Quantity (BOMQty)
  • Per Series (BOMQtySerie)
  • Unit (UnitId)
  • BOM (BOMId)
  • Position
  • Formula
  • Consumption is (BOMConsump)
  • Rounding-up (RoundUp)
  • Multiples (RoundUpQty)
  • Height
  • Width
  • Depth
  • Density
  • Constant

These fields of the BOM lines are owned by the local company, and therefore not updated during product release:

  • Storage dimensions
  • Resource consumption (WrkCtrConsumption)
  • Configuration group (ConfigGroupId) (this is a local entity by standard AX)
  • Item Type
  • Product name
  • Vendor account (VendId)
  • Line type (BOMType)
  • Calculation
  • Sub-BOM or formula (ItemBOMId)
  • Subroute (ItemRouteId)
  • Product model number (ItemPBAId)
  • Set subproduction to Consumed (ProjSetSubProdToConsumed)
  • Valid from (FromDate)
  • Valid to (ToDate)
  • Oper.No (OprNum)
  • End (EndSchedConsump)
  • Flushing principle (ProdFlushingPrincip)
  • Constant scrap (ScrapConst)
  • Variable scrap (ScrapVar)
  • Step consumption (maintained completely locally, and therefore not copied on initial release)


  • Site and warehouse are local (on BOM header and lines). So, on initial release of an engineering version, the values are copied from the engineering company. If you release the engineering version again, the local values remain unchanged.
  • The warehouse on the BOM line is made empty on product release, if in the local company the site on the BOM has changed.

Data ownership of routes

In product engineering, you can set up routes on these levels:

  • Engineering version (direct): routes are included in the product release process.
  • Released product (indirect): routes are also included in the product release process.

If you release a product with direct routes, these rules apply:

  • The routes are only released if the Receive route check box is selected for the applicable engineering product type.
  • The route setup is owned by the engineering company. If an engineering version is released, the route data in the target company is updated with the values from the engineering company.
  • If a route is manually added in the local company, this route remains unchanged during product release.
  • If an operation is manually added in the local company, this operation remains unchanged during product release.


  • If on product release a new engineering version is added, the routes that are manually added to a previous engineering version in the local company, are not copied to the new engineering version.
  • You must define the resource requirements for the route operations in the local company. Resource requirement setup in the engineering company is not included in the release of products.

See also

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