You can use the engineering attributes to configure the product number, product name, and product description. If you do so, on creation of the product, you must set the engineering attribute values. As a result, the product number, product name, and product description are set automatically, based on these attribute values.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product engineering > Setup > Engineering product type.
2. In left pane, find and select the desired engineering product type.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Description rule field, select an option.
5. You can only enter s description formula, if the Description rule is set to Attribute.
If you click this field, a dialog is opened in which you can enter [].
To enter the value in this field, on the dialog, click OK.
  In the Description formula field, enter or select a value.


In the naming rules, you can use any combination of these elements: 
  • Free text
  • Attribute names: [] 
  • Attribute values: [%attribute.value]  
  • Attribute unit of measure: [%attribute.UOM] 
  • Attribute currency: [%attribute.CUR] 
  • Field label in specific language: [@labelId:language]

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