The product status represents the phase of the product in the product life cycle. For each product status, you can define a set of rules to allow, warn for, or block specific actions. 

Example: A product is at the end of its life cycle. Therefore, it must be blocked for use on a sales order line. To do so, use a product status called "End of life" for which use in sales order lines is blocked.

Product statuses are a prerequisite for creating an engineering product type. 

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product engineering > Setup > Product status.
2. Click New.
3. In the Status field, type a value.
4. Click Refresh rules.
5. For each of the shown actions, you can set up a rule. For each action, define if it is allowed, blocked, or a warning is given for the product status.

Note: Example:
You want to prevent new products from being processed in a sales order. To do so, use a product status called “New” for which sales order processing is blocked.

6. Close the page.

See also

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