In MDM studio, you can use the Create MDM message wizard to create the message for an internal direct master data setup. With an internal direct master data setup, you send data from the source (master data) company directly to the target company.

With the wizard, you create the:

  • Documents that are used in the MDM message.
  • MDM message.

Standard procedure

1. Click Master data management - Integration design.
2. In the Project field, enter or select the desired MDM project.
3. Click Projects.
4. On the Action Pane, on the Design tab, in the Messages group, click Create MDM message.
5. Sub-task: Select document fields.
  5.1 Click Select fields.
  5.2 Open the page from which you want to select fields for the document.
  5.3 On the field picker dialog, click Select fields.
  5.4 On the shown page, select the fields to be added to the document.
  For each desired field, click the + sign.
  5.5 Click Done.

Note: You can open another page from which to select fields.

  5.6 Review the selected fields. You can delete the not desired fields.
  Click Submit.
  5.7 Click Next.
6. Sub-task: Define document information.
  6.1 Select No in the Create staging field.
  6.2 Define the settings for the source document of the 'direct' message.
To do so, fill in the fields in the Source document group.
  In the Document field, type the unique name for the source document.
  6.3 In the Application field, enter or select the desired application for the source document.

Note: Make sure, the application exists before you start the wizard.

  6.4 For the 'direct' message, you can use the source document as target document as well.
  Select Yes in the Reuse source document field.

If you select No, you can fill in the fields in the Target document group.
If you do not fill in the fields in the Target document group, on finishing the wizard, only the source document is created. So, no message is created.

  6.5 Click Next.
7. Sub-task: Define message information.
  7.1 In the Message field, type the unique name for the 'direct' message.

If you do not fill in the message fields, on finishing the wizard, only the defined documents are created. So, no message is created.

  7.2 In the Source connector field, enter or select the desired connector for the 'direct' message.

Note: Make sure, the source connector exists before you start the wizard.

  7.3 In the Target connector field, enter or select the desired connector for the 'direct' message.

Note: Make sure, the target connector exists before you start the wizard.

8. Click Finish.

When you have clicked finished, the Message page is opened showing the created message.
If no message is created, the Document page is opened showing the source document.

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