To have a quick start with the EDI setup, you can use the EDI tutorials. These tutorials have several pre-defined EDI messages with related setup. The related setup includes, for example: the project, the source and target connectors, and the source and target documents.

You can import the EDI tutorials by importing the related projects. 


The EDI tutorials offer a basic setup. Additional setup and changes are required to make the setup fit your requirements and environments. For example:

  • Usually, changes and fine-tuning of the content setup is required in documents and messages.
  • The connector setup must be completed. For example, the properties must be defined. And, for the Azure file storage connectors, also the read and write options must be set.
  • The document flow setup is not included in the tutorials. So, to be able to use the tutorial messages, set up the applicable document flows in EDI studio.

EDI tutorial projects are available for these purposes:

  • Standard EDI integration.
  • TIE Kinetix specific EDI integration.

Tutorial projects - Standard

These standard EDI tutorial projects are available as a resource:

Tutorial projects - TIE Kinetix

The TIE Kinetix integration EDI tutorial messages have the same function as the standard EDI tutorial messages. Therefore, the TIE Kinetix integration EDI tutorial messages have the same naming as the standard EDI tutorial messages. However, the setup is different compared to the standard messages because of the specific requirements for the TIE Kinetix integration.

These TIE Kinetix integration EDI tutorial projects are available as download:

Tutorial example files

Related to the tutorial projects, also a set of example files is available. You can use these files to run the messages in the tutorial project.

You can download the files here: Tutorial - EDI

Extract the files to a folder in your file system. Make sure, you define this folder as the working path for the 'Windows share' connector.

Note: Also check the other folders as defined for the 'Windows share' connector, like Archive path and Error path. Make sure, these folders exist in your file system. 

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