For messages and web service actions, you can use table events to track data changes. You can define, for each table, which table events are logged. The table events are logged in the Data synchronization log.
To fully process the logged events, process the:
  1. Data synchronization log: The logged events are processed and for each applicable message or web service action, a record is added to the Outbound queue.
  2. Outbound queue: For each record, the related message or web service action is run to export the applicable data.

This topic explains how to process the outbound queue.



Outbound queue
The outbound queue only has unique entries for each combination of:
  • Record on which the event was logged
  • Message or web service action
  • Event type
  • Status
Note that the record and event type are known, but the (changed) data of the records is not known. When an outbound queue entry is processed, the current data of the record is used. For example, if a customer address is changed, an event is logged that the customer is updated. However, the address change as such is not logged. When, for the logged event, a record is processed in the outbound queue, the current data of the customer is used.

In the outbound queue, several entries can exist for a unique message or webservice action. How these entries are processed, depends on whether bundling is active. You can activate bundling on the data synchronization setup of an outbound:

  • Message: On processing the outbound queue, by default, all entries for a unique message are bundled in one message run, which results in one file. 
  • Web service action: On processing the outbound queue, by default, all entries for a unique web service action are bundled in one web service action run, which results in one file. Note: You cannot apply bundling to an outbound web service action that uses a stream.
  • EDI document flow: On processing the outbound queue, the entries are bundled in one message run or web service action run, which results in one file. In this case, the outbound queue entries are bundled by the applicable EDI party.

If the bundling field is set to:

  • Yes, all outbound queue entries for the message are bundled and processed in one message run, which results in one file.
  • No, each outbound queue entry is processed in a separate message run.
Processing the outbound queue
You can process the outbound queue in several ways. To process the outbound queue for:
  • All records, do not define a message or web service action.
  • A specific message, define the message.
  • A specific web service action, define the web service action.
You can also run the outbound queue for a specific project. To do so, when you run a project, set the Process outbound queue field to Yes. As a result, the outbound queue is processed for the messages or web service actions that are linked to the project tasks.
If an outbound queue record is processed, it gets the status:
  • Processed, if it is processed successfully.
  • Error, if errors occurred during processing.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click Process outbound message queue.
3. You can process the outbound queue for a specific message.
  In the Message field, enter or select a value.

- If you want to process the outbound queue for a specific message, do not define a web service action. If you define a web service action as well, the outbound queue is only processed for the web service action.
- If you do not define a message or web service action, the full outbound queue is processed.

4. You can process the outbound queue for a specific web service action.
  In the Web service action field, enter or select a value.

Note: If you do not define a message or web service action, the full outbound queue is processed.

5. You can process the outbound queue for a specific company.
  In the Company field, enter or select a value.
6. Sub-task: Set up batch processing.
  6.1 Usually, you process the outbound queue in batch in a recurring pattern.
  Expand the Run in the background section.
  6.2 Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other fields as desired.
  6.3 Click Recurrence and fill in the fields as desired.
  6.4 Click OK.
7. Click OK.


If an outbound queue record for a web service action has run with errors, the maximum number of retries is checked. If the maximum number of retries is:

  • Not reached, the outbound queue record gets the status New. The next time the outbound queue is processed, the record is processed again.
  • Reached, the outbound queue gets the status Error.
The maximum number of retries is shown in the Max. retries field of the outbound queue record. The value of this field is defined in the Max. automatic retries of web services field in the Connectivity studio parameters.
The number of retries that are already done, is shown in the Times tried field of the outbound queue record. For each retry, the value of this field is increased with 1.

Related to Notes

Monitor outbound queue


See also

Provide feedback