For each field security policy, set up the form mapping. Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy.

System administrator System administrator Start Start Record form mapping Record form mapping Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy. For a specific field security policy, you can record the relevant form mapping. When recording, you can record several forms. For each form that you record, a separate form mapping record is created. Procedure 1. Go to Dynamic field security management > Policies > All field security policies. 2. In the list, find and select the desired field security policy. 3. On the Action Pane, click Form mapping. 4. Click Start form mapping. 5. On the dialog, click Start recording. 6. Go to All customers. 7. On the All customers form, in the list, click the link of a customer record. 8. On the open form, in this example the All customers details form, the fields that you can record are highlighted with a box that has a plus (+) sign. On the open form, click the plus (+) of the field to be recorded. Note: - As a result, the field is added to the grid on the recording dialog. - Repeat these steps till you have recorded each desired field. - You can record fields of several forms in one recording session. To so, navigate to, and open the desired forms and record the desired fields on these forms. 9. Click Stop recording. 10. Close the recording dialog. As a result, the Form mapping form is opened showing the recording result. Notes When you finish recording a form mapping, the result is stored in the form mapping and not in the field security policy. The fields on a form can belong to different tables. Therefore, also the table is stored to which a recorded field belongs. If a recorded field is not a table field, the relevant control or dimension is stored. Review form mapping? Review form mapping? Review form mapping Review form mapping Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy. To create a form mapping, you record it. The recording results are stored in the Form mapping table. You can review and edit the recorded form mapping. Usually, you only delete undesired recorded fields from the form mapping. To add a field to the form mapping, record it. Procedure 1. Go to Dynamic field security management > Policies > All field security policies. Note: You can also view form mappings for all field security policies. To do so, go to Dynamic field security management > Policies > Form mapping. 2. In the list, find and select the desired field security policy. 3. On the Action Pane, click Form mapping. 4. Click Form mapping. 5. Click Edit. Apply form mapping to field security policy Apply form mapping to field security policy Once a form mapping for a field security policy is recorded and review is finished, you can apply the form mapping to the field security policy. If you do so, all form mapping records, of the same field security policy as the selected form mapping record, are applied. For each form mapping record, this data is copied to the field security policy: Table name (Data source name) Form name (Only if the Create form specific setup field is set to 'Yes') Table field name, control name, or Dimension name Procedure 1. Go to Dynamic field security management > Policies > All field security policies. Note: You can also view form mappings for all field security policies. To do so, go to Dynamic field security management > Policies > Form mapping. 2. In the list, find and select the desired field security policy. 3. On the Action Pane, click Form mapping. 4. Click Form mapping. 5. Click Post to policy setup. Note: If you have directly opened the Form mapping page, form mappings are shown for all field security policies. Before you apply a form mapping, select a form mapping record that belongs to the desired field security policy. 6. In the Company groups field, enter or select a value. 7. Select the version number of the field security policy to which you want to apply the form mapping. In the Version number field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only apply the form mapping to an inactive version of a field security policy. 8. In the Create form specific setup field, select the desired option. 9. Sub-task: Set up batch processing. 10. Expand the Run in the background section. 11. In the Batch processing field, select an option. If Yes, also fill in the other fields. 12. Click Recurrence and fill in the fields as desired. 13. Click OK. 14. Click OK. Notes You can apply a form mapping several times to a field security policy. If you have: Recorded an additional mapping element, on apply, it is added to the field security policy. Deleted a mapping element from the form mapping, on apply, it is not deleted from the field security policy. You can apply a form mapping including or excluding form specific setup. Example: You have applied a form mapping with Create form specific setup set to 'Yes'. Then, you apply the same form mapping again with Create form specific setup set to 'No'. In this case, all form mapping elements are added as new elements to the field security policy. So, you get each element twice in the field security policy, once with and once without the form specific setup. End End Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Record form mapping

System administrator

Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy.

For a specific field security policy, you can record the relevant form mapping.

When recording, you can record several forms. For each form that you record, a separate form mapping record is created.

Review form mapping

System administrator

Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy.

To create a form mapping, you record it. The recording results are stored in the Form mapping table. You can review and edit the recorded form mapping. Usually, you only delete undesired recorded fields from the form mapping. To add a field to the form mapping, record it.

Apply form mapping to field security policy

System administrator

Once a form mapping for a field security policy is recorded and review is finished, you can apply the form mapping to the field security policy. If you do so, all form mapping records, of the same field security policy as the selected form mapping record, are applied.

For each form mapping record, this data is copied to the field security policy:

  • Table name (Data source name)
  • Form name (Only if the Create form specific setup field is set to 'Yes')
  • Table field name, control name, or Dimension name


Name Responsible Description

Record form mapping

System administrator

Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy.

For a specific field security policy, you can record the relevant form mapping.

When recording, you can record several forms. For each form that you record, a separate form mapping record is created.

Review form mapping

System administrator

Use the form mapping to define which tables, forms, and fields you want to include in the field security policy.

To create a form mapping, you record it. The recording results are stored in the Form mapping table. You can review and edit the recorded form mapping. Usually, you only delete undesired recorded fields from the form mapping. To add a field to the form mapping, record it.

Apply form mapping to field security policy

System administrator

Once a form mapping for a field security policy is recorded and review is finished, you can apply the form mapping to the field security policy. If you do so, all form mapping records, of the same field security policy as the selected form mapping record, are applied.

For each form mapping record, this data is copied to the field security policy:

  • Table name (Data source name)
  • Form name (Only if the Create form specific setup field is set to 'Yes')
  • Table field name, control name, or Dimension name
Related to Notes

Set up form mapping


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