For each data entry workflow template step, you can select the fields which data must be entered or you can use the Configure step wizard.

To a step field group, you can also manually add several types of fields in several ways.

Designer (Data entry workflow) Designer (Data entry workflow) Start Start Add field from workflow document Add field from workflow document Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered or approved. You can manually add fields to a field group. You can only add fields that exist in the applicable workflow document. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 5. On the Fields tab, click Add. 6. Click Field from document 7. In the Record field field, enter or select a value. Note: In the lookup, by default, all workflow document fields are shown. You can use the filter options to limit the fields that are shown. Add virtual field Add virtual field To a data entry field group, you can add a virtual field. You can use a virtual field for several scenarios, for example, to: Pass information to a next step. Control if data, as entered for a workflow, is transferred to the target. To do so, use the Write control option of the virtual field. The entered data is only transferred to the target if the virtual field has a value. Skip a step. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition. Hide or disable a tab page, field group, or field. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition. When you create a virtual field, link it to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the virtual field is added, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the virtual field settings in the workflow document. You can select a virtual field for approval in an approval step. During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. However, the value of a virtual field is not transferred to the target. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 5. On the Fields tab, click Add. 6. Click Virtual field. 7. In the Document record field, enter or select the desired record table. 8. In the Field name field, type a value. 9. In the Type field, select an option. 10. Select Yes in the Mandatory field. 11. Select Yes in the Write condition field. 12. You can apply any extended data type to the virtual field. In the Extended data type field, enter or select a value. Note: If the virtual field Type is Enum, you cannot apply an extended data type. 13. If the virtual field Type is Enum, you must select an enum. You can apply any enum to the virtual field. In the Enum type field, enter or select a value. Note: If the Type is Enum, you cannot apply an extended data type to the virtual field. 14. Sub-task: Use configurable labels. 15. To use a configurable label for the field name, next to the Label field, click Overwrite. 16. In the list, find and select the desired configurable field label. 17. Click Select. 18. To apply a help text label to the virtual field, next to the Help text field, click Select. 19. In the list, find and select the desired configurable help text label. 20. Click Select. 21. Click OK. Add document attachment field Add document attachment field To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a document. This document attachment field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the document attachment field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the document attachment field settings in the workflow document. You can select a document attachment field for approval in an approval step. During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a document attachment is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 5. On the Fields tab, click Add. 6. Click Document attachment field. 7. In the Document record field, enter or select the desired record table. 8. In the Field name field, type a value. 9. Select Yes in the Mandatory field. 10. Define the document type that is used to create a document management attachment for an uploaded document. In the Attachment document type field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only use document types with the 'Attach file' class. 11. Select Yes in the Allow multiple attachment field. 12. Sub-task: Use configurable labels. 13. To use a configurable label for the field name, next to the Label field, click Overwrite. 14. In the list, find and select the desired configurable field label. 15. Click Select. 16. To apply a help text label to the document attachment field, next to the Help text field, click Select. 17. In the list, find and select the desired configurable help text label. 18. Click Select. 19. Click OK. Add picture field Add picture field To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a picture. This picture field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the picture field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the picture field settings in the workflow document. You can select a picture field for approval in an approval step. During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a picture is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 5. On the Fields tab, click Add. 6. Click Picture field. 7. In the Document record field, enter or select the desired record table. 8. In the Field name field, type a value. 9. Select Yes in the Mandatory field. 10. Define the document type that is used to create a document management attachment for an uploaded picture. In the Attachment document type field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only use document types with the 'Attach file' class. 11. Select Yes in the Allow multiple attachment field. 12. Sub-task: Use configurable labels. 13. To use a configurable label for the field name, next to the Label field, click Overwrite. 14. In the list, find and select the desired configurable field label. 15. Click Select. 16. To apply a help text label to the picture field, next to the Help text field, click Select. 17. In the list, find and select the desired configurable help text label. 18. Click Select. 19. Click OK. Add product attribute field Add product attribute field During data entry for a product, it can be needed to classify the product using category hierarchies. In a data entry workflow, you can add the needed product attributes. If the EcoResProduct table is part of your workflow document records, you can add product attributes to a field group. The product attributes are added as 'Virtual' field to the field group and workflow document. To be able to define product attributes during data entry, you must also add these fields to the same field group: Category hierarchy Category With the Select fields function of the step, you can select these fields from the Product categories page. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 4. Click Edit. 5. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 6. On the Fields tab, click Add. 7. Click Product attribute. 8. In the Category hierarchy field, enter or select the desired category hierarchy. 9. In the Category field, enter or select the desired category. 10. You can show only the product attributes that are not yet added to the data entry workflow template. Select the Not included on template check box. Note: Also, the product attributes that are added to other field groups in the data entry workflow template are not shown. 11. In the Available list, find and select the desired product attributes. 12. Click Add (->). 13. Click OK. Notes You cannot define conditions for product attribute fields. Add purpose field Add purpose field During data entry of address information or contact information, it can be needed to define the purpose. Before you can add a purpose field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record that is related to one of these tables: DirPartyLocation LogisticsElectronicAddress You add a purpose field as a virtual field to the workflow document. When you have added the purpose field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, find and select the desired data entry workflow template. 3. On the Action Pane, click General. 4. Click Workflow document. 5. In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record. Note: You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record which table is related to one of these tables: DirPartyLocation LogisticsElectronicAddress 6. Click Add field. 7. In the Field name field, enter a value, for example, Purpose. 8. In the Ax field name field, type a value. 9. Make sure, the Field type is set to 'Virtual'. 10. Click Save. 11. Click the Virtual field tab. 12. In the Virtual field type field, select 'Address purpose'. 13. Close the page. Notes For customer or vendor addresses, you can use the Configure step function to automatically add the purpose field. Add inventory dimension field Add inventory dimension field On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value. To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set. Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document. You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, find and select the desired data entry workflow template. 3. On the Action Pane, click General. 4. Click Workflow document. 5. In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record. Note: You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record which table has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. 6. Click Add field. 7. In the Field name field, enter a value, for example, Site or Warehouse. 8. In the Ax field name field, enter or select a value. 9. Make sure, the Field type is set to 'Virtual'. 10. Click Save. 11. Click the Virtual field tab. 12. In the Virtual field type field, select 'Inventory dimension'. 13. In the Target dimension field field, enter or select a value. 14. In the Inventory dimension field, enter or select the desired inventory dimension. Note: The lookup list shows all inventory dimensions that exist for the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. Make sure, you only select an inventory dimension that makes sense for the record table. 15. Close the page. Duplicate field Duplicate field In some cases, it can be useful to duplicate a field in a field group. For example, in a data entry workflow, you want to enable entering: Product names in several languages. Product names are stored in the EcoResProductTranslation table. By default, the product name is stored in the system language, for example, 'en-us'. You can duplicate the Name field, for example, to enable entering the product name in the 'nl' language. For a customer, contact information of different types. The contact information is stored in the LogisticsElectronicAddress table. You can duplicate the Description field, for example, to enable entering a phone number. When you duplicate a field, its settings are taken and shown in a dialog, where you can easily change the settings. For example, you can change the field name and range. As a result,: A workflow document record is added. All relevant fields are added to the document record. The selected ranges are added to the workflow document. The selected ranges are added to the version default values. The field is created in the field group. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group. 5. On the Fields tab, in the list, find and select the field that you want to duplicate. 6. Click Duplicate. 7. In the New document record name field, type a value. 8. In the New field name field, type a value. 9. Select Yes in the Mandatory field. 10. Sub-task: Use configurable labels. 11. To use a configurable label for the field name, next to the Label field, click Overwrite. 12. In the list, find and select the desired configurable field label. 13. Click Select. 14. Click Select. 15. In the list, find and select the desired configurable help text label. 16. Click Select. 17. Sub-task: Add and select ranges. 18. Click New. 19. In the Record field field, enter or select a value. 20. In the Range field, enter or select a value. 21. Select the Selected check box. 22. Click OK. End End


Name Responsible Description

Add field from workflow document

Designer (Data entry workflow)

Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered or approved.

You can manually add fields to a field group. You can only add fields that exist in the applicable workflow document.

Add virtual field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a virtual field.

You can use a virtual field for several scenarios, for example, to:

  • Pass information to a next step.
  • Control if data, as entered for a workflow, is transferred to the target. To do so, use the Write control option of the virtual field. The entered data is only transferred to the target if the virtual field has a value.
  • Skip a step. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.
  • Hide or disable a tab page, field group, or field. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.

When you create a virtual field, link it to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the virtual field is added, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the virtual field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a virtual field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. However, the value of a virtual field is not transferred to the target.

Add document attachment field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a document.

This document attachment field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the document attachment field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the document attachment field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a document attachment field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a document attachment is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add picture field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a picture.

This picture field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the picture field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the picture field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a picture field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a picture is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add product attribute field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

During data entry for a product, it can be needed to classify the product using category hierarchies. In a data entry workflow, you can add the needed product attributes.

If the EcoResProduct table is part of your workflow document records, you can add product attributes to a field group. The product attributes are added as 'Virtual' field to the field group and workflow document.

To be able to define product attributes during data entry, you must also add these fields to the same field group:

  • Category hierarchy
  • Category

With the Select fields function of the step, you can select these fields from the Product categories page.

Add purpose field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

During data entry of address information or contact information, it can be needed to define the purpose.

Before you can add a purpose field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document.

You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record that is related to one of these tables:

  • DirPartyLocation
  • LogisticsElectronicAddress

You add a purpose field as a virtual field to the workflow document.

When you have added the purpose field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add inventory dimension field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value.

To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set.

Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document.

You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Duplicate field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

In some cases, it can be useful to duplicate a field in a field group.

For example, in a data entry workflow, you want to enable entering:

  • Product names in several languages. Product names are stored in the EcoResProductTranslation table. By default, the product name is stored in the system language, for example, 'en-us'. You can duplicate the Name field, for example, to enable entering the product name in the 'nl' language.
  • For a customer, contact information of different types. The contact information is stored in the LogisticsElectronicAddress table. You can duplicate the Description field, for example, to enable entering a phone number.

When you duplicate a field, its settings are taken and shown in a dialog, where you can easily change the settings. For example, you can change the field name and range.

As a result,:

  • A workflow document record is added.
  • All relevant fields are added to the document record.
  • The selected ranges are added to the workflow document.
  • The selected ranges are added to the version default values.
  • The field is created in the field group.


Name Responsible Description

Add field from workflow document

Designer (Data entry workflow)

Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered or approved.

You can manually add fields to a field group. You can only add fields that exist in the applicable workflow document.

Add virtual field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a virtual field.

You can use a virtual field for several scenarios, for example, to:

  • Pass information to a next step.
  • Control if data, as entered for a workflow, is transferred to the target. To do so, use the Write control option of the virtual field. The entered data is only transferred to the target if the virtual field has a value.
  • Skip a step. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.
  • Hide or disable a tab page, field group, or field. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.

When you create a virtual field, link it to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the virtual field is added, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the virtual field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a virtual field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. However, the value of a virtual field is not transferred to the target.

Add document attachment field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a document.

This document attachment field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the document attachment field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the document attachment field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a document attachment field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a document attachment is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add picture field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a picture.

This picture field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the picture field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the picture field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a picture field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a picture is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add product attribute field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

During data entry for a product, it can be needed to classify the product using category hierarchies. In a data entry workflow, you can add the needed product attributes.

If the EcoResProduct table is part of your workflow document records, you can add product attributes to a field group. The product attributes are added as 'Virtual' field to the field group and workflow document.

To be able to define product attributes during data entry, you must also add these fields to the same field group:

  • Category hierarchy
  • Category

With the Select fields function of the step, you can select these fields from the Product categories page.

Add purpose field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

During data entry of address information or contact information, it can be needed to define the purpose.

Before you can add a purpose field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document.

You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record that is related to one of these tables:

  • DirPartyLocation
  • LogisticsElectronicAddress

You add a purpose field as a virtual field to the workflow document.

When you have added the purpose field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add inventory dimension field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value.

To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set.

Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document.

You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Duplicate field

Designer (Data entry workflow)

In some cases, it can be useful to duplicate a field in a field group.

For example, in a data entry workflow, you want to enable entering:

  • Product names in several languages. Product names are stored in the EcoResProductTranslation table. By default, the product name is stored in the system language, for example, 'en-us'. You can duplicate the Name field, for example, to enable entering the product name in the 'nl' language.
  • For a customer, contact information of different types. The contact information is stored in the LogisticsElectronicAddress table. You can duplicate the Description field, for example, to enable entering a phone number.

When you duplicate a field, its settings are taken and shown in a dialog, where you can easily change the settings. For example, you can change the field name and range.

As a result,:

  • A workflow document record is added.
  • All relevant fields are added to the document record.
  • The selected ranges are added to the workflow document.
  • The selected ranges are added to the version default values.
  • The field is created in the field group.
Related to Notes

Add field to field group


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