On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value.

To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set.

Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document.

You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, find and select the desired data entry workflow template.
3. On the Action Pane, click General.
4. Click Workflow document.
5. In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record.

Note: You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record which table has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

6. Click Add field.
7. In the Field name field, enter a value, for example, Site or Warehouse.
8. The default Ax field name is the name that you entered in the Field name field. If desired, you can change it.
  In the Ax field name field, enter or select a value.
9. Make sure, the Field type is set to 'Virtual'.
10. Click Save.
11. Click the Virtual field tab.
12. In the Virtual field type field, select 'Inventory dimension'.
13. A table can have several inventory dimension fields. Define to which inventory dimension field of the record table the new virtual field is related.
  In the Target dimension field field, enter or select a value.
14. In the Inventory dimension field, enter or select the desired inventory dimension.

Note: The lookup list shows all inventory dimensions that exist for the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. Make sure, you only select an inventory dimension that makes sense for the record table.

15. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Add field to field group


See also

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