As a Data entry workflow manager, you can reassign an existing data entry workflow task to another user.

For example, a data entry workflow task is created and assigned to a user. However, due to illness this user is unavailable to do the task. To get the task done, you can reassign the task to another user.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data entry workflow management.
2. Click the In progress workflows tab.
3. In the list, click the link of the desired workflow.
4. Expand the Assignments section.
5. In the list, find and select the desired workflow task assignment.
6. Click Reassign.
7. On the dialog, in the User field, enter or select a value.
8. In the Comment field, type a value.
9. Click Reassign.
10. Close the page.


  • You can reassign a task only to another user than the ones to whom the task is already assigned.
  • Make sure, a reassigned-to user has at least the Data entry workflow user role with related rights.

See also

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