You can use Service Bus search definitions to automatically assign Connectivity studio messages to received data records from a Service Bus.


You can indicate to which source of received data records a search definition is applied:
  • Service Bus queue or topic subscription (Dead letter = No). The assigned messages are used to import the received data into D365 FO.
  • Service Bus dead letter queue (Dead letter = Yes). The assigned messages are used to further process the dead letter data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order.


The key filter elements of a search definition are:
  • Service Bus namespace: The name of the applicable Service Bus namespace.
  • Entity name: The name of the applicable Service Bus queue or Service Bus topic
  • Subscription: If the entity is a topic, also define the applicable Service Bus topic subscription.
  • Content info: A Service Bus queue or topic message has a Content field, which value is available on the received data record. You can use the content value as filter option to find the applicable search definition.
  • Subject info: A Service Bus queue or topic message has a Subject field, which value is available on the received data record. You can use the subject value as filter option to find the applicable search definition.


For each received data record, a matching search definition is searched for in a fixed sequence. Does a matching search definition exist for the combination of:
  1. Service Bus namespace, Entity name, Subscription, Content info, Subject info.
  2. Service Bus namespace, Entity name, Subscription, Content info.
  3. Service Bus namespace, Entity name, Subscription, Subject info.
  4. Service Bus namespace, Entity name, Subscription.
  • The Subscription is only considered if the Entity name is a topic.
  • It can occur that several matching search definitions exist. If so, these rules are applied:
    • If no priority is defined (Priority = 0), the first found matching search definition is applied.
    • If priorities are defined (Priority > 0), the matching search definition with the lowest priority is applied.


If a matching search definition is:
  • Found, the defined message and company are assigned to the received data record.
  • Not found, no message is assigned to the received data record. In this case, usually, you must adjust the applicable Service Bus search definitions.

See also

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