If no message is assigned to data that you received from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription (Received status = Invalid), you must adjust or add Service Bus search definitions. If you have done so, you can retry to assign messages to the received data records without a message assigned.

On reassign, for all received data records without a message, a matching search definition is searched for. If a matching search definition is found:
  • The message and company, as defined for the search definition, are assigned to the received data record.
  • The received data record status is set to 'New'.
You can reassign messages:
  • Automatically
  • Manually

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received data.
2. Sub-task: Reassign messages automatically.
  2.1 On the Action Pane, click Design.
  2.2 Click Reassign.
3. Sub-task: Assign message manually.
  3.1 Click Edit.
  3.2 In the list, find and select the desired record.
  3.3 In the Message field, enter or select a value.

See also

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