In the Environment comparison studio, you can compare data using content packages.

To start a data comparison, you need two content packages. Generate each of these content packages based on the XML files in the applicable Azure Storage account folder from the desired company/environment combination.

The generation process:

  1. Creates a content package
  2. Gets the data from all XML files in the specified Azure storage account folder
  3. Adds this data to the created content package

You can compare the generated content package with another content package.


Standard procedure

1. Go to Environment Comparison Studio > Inquires > Content packages.
2. Click Import content package.
3. In the Folder field, enter or select a value.

Note: Choose the folder where all the desired XML files for this content package are.

4. In the Content package field, type a value.

Note: Specify the content package’s name.

5. In the Environment name field, type a value.
6. In the Company field, enter or select a value.
7. Click OK.
Related to Notes

Create content package


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