If a project is checked out in another environment, you can take over the checkout in the current environment. Only do so if, for some reason, the project cannot be checked in in the other environment.

As a result, the project:
  • Is blocked for changes in the other environment.
  • Changes that are made in the other environment are undone.
  • Is checked out in the current environment.
  • Gets a provisional version number in the current environment that is two higher than the latest version. Example: The latest version of a project is '4'. When checked out in the other environment, it gets the provisional version number '5' in the other environment. If you take over the project in the current environment, it gets the provisional version number '6' in the current environment.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Periodic > Version management > Project version management.

Note: Opening this page can take a while.

2. In the list, find and select the desired project.
3. Click Steal check out.
4. You can choose to continue taking over the checkout of the selected project or stop.
  Click Yes.
5. Close the page.

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