Before you can use Anywhere mobility studio, set up the related number sequences.
Define the number sequences that are used for:
  • Applications (Application instance)
  • Forms (Form instance)
  • Controls (Control instance)
  • Sessions on mobile devices (Application session)
  • Test cases
  • Test runs
  • Test suites
  • Test plans
For more information on number sequences and how to generate number sequences, refer to Number sequences.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Parameters.
3. Click the Number sequences tab.
4. Sub-task: Initialize area and references.
  4.1 Before you can generate number sequences for Anywhere mobility studio, you must initialize the DAW area and related references. As a result, these become available in Organization administration > Number sequences.
  Click Load number sequences.
5. Sub-task: Generate number sequences.
  5.1 Go to Organization administration > Number sequences > Number sequences.
  5.2 Now the DAW area and related references are available, you can generate number sequences for the references. To do so, finish the wizard. You can generate number sequences for each reference for each required company. When generated, the number sequences are automatically filled on the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.
  Click Generate.
6. Sub-task: Reformat number sequences.
  6.1 Go to Default dashboard.
  6.2 Click Mobility management.
  6.3 Click Parameters.
  6.4 Click the Number sequences tab.
  6.5 After generation, you must reformat the number sequences. In number sequences, in segments of type Constant, several characters can be used, like dash (-), question mark (?), and slash (/). In Mobility studio, in communication with the portal, these characters give errors. To avoid errors, reformat the number sequences. As a result, these characters are replaced by an underscore (_).
  Click Reformat number sequences.

Note: You can manually change the automatically filled Anywhere mobility studio number sequences.

7. Close the page.

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