Set the security parameters for Anywhere mobility sessions.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Parameters.
3. Click the Security tab.
4. You can define the process that is used to validate the user login to an Anywhere mobility session.
You can, for example, use the predefined 'ResetPassword' process.
  In the Process for login validation field, enter or select a value.

Note: This field is only applicable if the Use login process field is set to Yes.

5. You can define to use a login process when a user logs in to an Anywhere mobility session.
  Select Yes in the Use login process field.
6. In the Minimum number of characters for password field, enter a number.
7. If required, select Yes in the Password must contain numbers field.
8. If required, select Yes in the Password must contain characters field.
9. If required, select Yes in the Password must contain special characters field.
10. You can define the maximum allowed number of failed login attempts.
  In the Maximum login attempts field, enter a number.
11. If the maximum number of login attempts is exceeded, the account is locked.
Define how locked accounts are unlocked:
- Manually: the administrator must unlock the account. You can do so on the User details page, on the General tab, in the Locked field.
- Automatically: the account is unlocked automatically after the number of minutes as defined in the Unlock automatically after (mins) field.
  In the Unlock account field, select an option.
12. If the Unlock account field is set to Automatic, define the number of minutes after which the account is unlocked automatically.
  In the Unlock automatically after (mins) field, enter a number.
13. Close the page.

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