Set the general parameters that define the:

  • Session behavior.
  • Transaction logging during sessions.
  • Document types to be used for notes and images.
  • Run time mode, and if it is Cache, also the cache limits.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Parameters.
3. By default, the full infolog is shown on the mobile device if an error occurs.
You can decide to only show the last line of the infolog in case of an error.
  Select No in the Display full infolog on error field.
4. By default, inactive sessions time out after a defined time.
You can decide that inactive sessions never time out.
  Select No in the Enable session timeout field.

Note: Only if session timeout is enabled, you can run the Delete expired sessions job.

5. If the Enable session timeout field is set to Yes, define the time after which the session times out.
  In the Session timeout field, enter a time.

Note: This is used as the default value for the Delete expired sessions job.

6. Define the transaction threshold. Transactions that last longer than the defined number of seconds count as slow.
  In the Transaction threshold field, enter a number.

Note: This is only applicable if transaction logging is set to 'Slow logging'.

7. Define which transactions are logged:
- No logging: no transactions are logged.
- Logging only for reporting: only the events during a session are logged. Requests, responses, and infologs are not logged.
- Full logging: all transactions are logged.
- Slow logging: only slow transactions are logged. Make sure to define the proper transaction threshold.
  In the Transaction logging field, select an option.
8. You can log all actions that are done for a transaction.
  Select Yes in the Log actions field.
9. You can log all queries that are done for a transaction.
  Select Yes in the Log queries field.
10. In Anywhere mobility studio, you can add an option to your application design to attach a note to a record in D365 FO. To attach notes, Document management is used.
Define the document type for the notes that you want to attach to records in D365 FO.
  In the Document type for notes field, enter or select a value.

Note: - You can only use document types of the Note group.
- For more information on how to set up the note option in your application design, refer to the "TI Training Material Development Guide Anywhere Mobility Studio for D365FOee" document.

11. In Anywhere mobility studio, you can add an option to your application design to attach a video or image to a record in D365 FO. To attach videos or images, Document management is used.
Define the document type for the videos or images that you want to attach to records in D365 FO.
  In the Document type for images and videos field, enter or select a value.

Note: - You can only use document types of the Image group.
- For more information on how to set up the video or image option in your application design, refer to the "TI Training Material Development Guide Anywhere Mobility Studio for D365FOee" document.

12. Define the app run time mode:
- Configuration: The app runs on the real-time configuration in Anywhere mobility studio. This can be slow in a Tier 2 environment.
- Cache: The app runs from a cached configuration. This is faster in a Tier 2 environment, but the app can be outdated.
  In the Run time mode field, select an option.

Note: This parameter run time mode setting is only applicable if for a user the run time mode is 'Get from parameter'.

13. You can run an app from cache. For the cache to work optimally, you must set the cache limit to the required number of records. You can calculate the required cache size after you have published a menu or process to cache. The calculation gets the number of records that are created in the cache on publishing. This number is stored in the Record cache elements for Framework table group field. You can use this number to set the cache limit.
To set the cache limit, go to System administration > Setup > Server configuration. In the Settings for all AOS instances section, enter the cache limit in the Record cache elements for Framework table group.
  Click Cache calculator.

Note: The menus and processes that you publish may change. As a result, a different cache limit may be required. Therefore, check regularly whether the cache limit is still optimal.

14. Click OK.
15. Close the page.

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