You can use a test action for any test case on a:
  • Test case event procedure. If the test case event occurs, the action is done.
  • Test event procedure for a test case step that concerns a button. If the button is clicked, the action is done.
For a test action, a class is required. To develop this class, extend the DAWActionRunTestCase class, which is an extension of the DAWActionRun class.
Prerequisite: Develop the extension of the DAWActionRunTestCase class in the AOT before you start the steps.
Note: The steps are to have the developed test action class uploaded as test action to the related library.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility design.
2. Click the Libraries tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click View.
5. Click the Test actions tab.
6. Click Refresh.
7. Close the page.


If you deploy (export/import) an application as built in Mobility studio, make sure the related custom test action classes are deployed as well. You can do so with a Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services project.

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