Style sheets are used to define the appearance of:

  • Menus and processes on mobile devices.
  • Applications in the design previews.
Set up a reference to these style sheets in Mobility studio.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Style sheets.
3. Click New.
4. In the Style sheet ID field, type the style sheet name to be used in your menus and applications.

Note: Consider to exactly match the actual style sheet file name, without the extension (.css).

5. Upload the actual style sheet. On upload, the css file is analyzed. The image references as defined in the css file are automatically entered on the Images tab.
  Click Upload style sheet.
6. On the dialog, browse for the style sheet and click OK.
7. The style sheet resource is used to get the actual style sheet file to be applied.
On uploading a style sheet, this field is automatically filled.
  In the Style sheet resource field, you can change the actual style sheet name with extension.

Note: Make sure, this name exactly matches the relevant style sheet file name.

8. Sub-task: Upload or link images.
  8.1 You can upload images to be used for the previews in Mobility studio.
For each image reference, as listed on the Images tab, you can upload the actual image to Mobility studio. You can upload one image at a time. You can find the uploaded images on the Mobility sharing workspace, on the Images tab.
  On the Images tab, in the list, select an image reference record.
  8.2 Click Upload.
  8.3 To each image reference, you can also manually link an image that already exists in the image share.
  On the Images tab, in the list, select an image reference record.
  8.4 In the Filestore field, enter or select an image as available on the image share.
9. Close the page.
10. Close the page.


You can also import a style sheet configuration from another environment with a specific XML file.

Related to Notes

Set up appearance


Provide feedback