Configure the columns of the data grid. You can only add columns that are also defined as fields in the data set. Ask the developer of the data set class for the exact names.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility design.
2. Click the Forms tab.
3. In the list, select a form.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the Controls tab, select a control of type Data grid.
6. Click the Grid configuration tab.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Label field, select the label for the display name of the column.

Note: If no label exists, you can click Generate labels from text. as a result, for all fields without a label defined, a label is created based on the value in the text field.
Before you create labels from text, define the known labels for the fields.

9. In the Grid column width field, define the width of the column expressed in a number of pixels.

Note: Enter a width of 0 to hide the column.

10. You can use a result list to fill the data grid. In this case, define the struct field that is used to fill this column.
  In the Data set column mapping field, type the struct field that is used for this column.
11. For the column, you can use a variable as defined for the application or for the form.
By default, this field is empty. So, in the Linked variable name field, you can link an application variable to the column.
  To link a form variable, in the Linked variable form field, enter or select the current form.
12. You can link an application variable or a form variable to the check box.
  In the Linked variable name field, enter or select a value.
13. If a variable is defined, the label of the related extended data type can be used as display name for the column.
By default, the label of the extended data type is not used.
  If you want to use the label of the extended data type, select Yes in the Get caption from extended data type field.

Note: If you use the label of the extended data type, do not fill in the Label ID.

14. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Data grid


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